heart to heart

She stood there glaring at the beast as the horse pinned her ears back and did the same. She didn't roll her eyes and show signs of fear and nervousness she just waited to see what the wolf would do. Firefly took a step forward as the horse stamped her hooves and snorted at the silvery gold wolf. She grinned and bared her teeth showing her fangs as she jingled the halter once more and idly threatened the wild mustang. "Don't make me get some rope.. I will have you in the coral sooner than you think.." Firefly really didn't want to wrestle the horse into the small holding but if she had to fetch rope and lasso the creature she would. That just took more time and effort than she wanted to deal with right now. She was about to take another step forward when a voice called out.

Firefly was not use to anyone speaking down to her in any way and the tones that greeted her while she was busy staring down the mare held such sarcastic notes that she could feel the hairs bristle along her spine as she broke the staring contest with the mare, quite annoyed that by no right of her own the horse had won the first contest. The wolf turned to eye the male that had called out. She found she was not wholly impressed with what she found either and the woman sneered at the beast as she scuffed. "These beasts know better than to even attempt to come at me, I brought them here." She narrowed her eyes at the boy as she asked. "Who are you to question me anyways?" her cocky attitude more than apparent as she waited for the youth's response.


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