heart to heart


He couldn't help it, but the red accented female reminded him of his sister. She was arrogant, and in a way that was mysterious to Heath, knew how to push his buttons. It was instinctual for females like this, knowing just what would set him off without even really thinking about it. The stranger didn’t seem to even try, as Heath planned out his words that might retaliate her snide remarks. The mare was finished with their company, and walked away to return to her life among the captured herd. At times he wished that none of the horses had been brought against their free will, for the two who claimed Heath had come on their own. He knew that Haven’s stallion had been whiling to join them. The others, Heath was not sure. He groomed, trained, and worked all of them that allowed it, and he was unable to change their situation. All he could do was nod once as she spoke, confirming that he believed the idea. There were certainly a pair.

At her question Heath suddenly remembered that speaking to the nameless female was not the only thing he had to do this day. He began to turn, answering her question as he walked. “Yeah.” His name was as he had spoken it. But as for where he was from, “Not from around here.” He told her, never really wanting to get into the past of his siblings, and his father whom he wished to forget and ignore till his death. If he was to look back and call any place home, this was the only one he would remember. The wolves he knew, the stables, and Ruri was what he would call upon when asked about his life. “Whats your name?” he asked as gold eyes looked back to the green eyes woman.

by miyu!

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