an epidemic of the mannequins [j]

Character Name: Lolita Monroe

Character Birthdate (including year): 4/10/08

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Yes

Species: GSD x Malamute x Wolf

Gender: Female

A secondary form of contact (AIM): HuggleSquishGirl

500+ words.

######Stretched out at the base of the tree, Lolita was being very careful to stay far away from the heavily scented borders of the pack, but she was close enough that she would surely draw attention to herself eventually. The bark of the tree was hurting her shoulder, but it wasn't really worth moving, since it could do her no harm. Indeed, even if she had chosen to wander into the pack's territory, nothing could really happen to her. It was unlikely anything would happen to her, ever. She was doomed to wander in this form and this existence forever, unable to let her body rest. What was it they said about the dead? Something about letting them rest in peace, but rather, it seemed that some were meant to suck it up and keep going, and she was one of those. It truly was a bother, being dead when no one else seemed to be. It meant that no one ever understood what she meant when she explained the situation to them. The concept wasn't hard. Perhaps she would have better luck with this pack than she had with all of the others she had unsuccessfully tried to join.

######"It truly is a shame he killed me," she muttered wistfully, one long finger tracing the seams of the faded leather bag sitting on her stomach. "My life would be significantly easier, if that were the case." She wouldn't have had to leave her sister, for one. It was not that awful to think about having to leave Pello and Rashelle, but she surely was going to miss Pippa something terrible. It had been months since she had seen her last, a minimum of six months. Thinking this over, a shocked expression settled on her face as she realized she had been dead for half of an entire year. That was crazy! Would anyone miss her, or even think about the fact that she had been dead for so long? For a while, she had tried to let the life drain out of her body completely, believing that it had been the only way she could really rest, but unfortunately, the dead girl had kept on walking. Then, she had found the stuff that could keep her body animated, even when it technically should be rotting in the ground. It was a strange plant, but with all of the things she had found in various human houses - usually in messy bedrooms with pictures of people with odd manes on the walls, silly 80s music - Lolita had figured out what it did, and she liked it.

######Reaching into her bag, she decided that it might be prudent to try and make herself as lively as possible for if and when someone came across her. Her claws scraped across the large clump she had pulled out, and she inhaled the scent with a pleasant shudder. The other hand wrapped around the nearest piece, while fishing around for her box of matches or one of her many lighters. Lifting one out, she smiled a successful grin at the strange purple object. It had taken her a while to figure out how to work it, but with how many she had found, it was very much worth it. She deftly packed her bowl and lifted it to her mouth, lighting it in one swift motion. As she felt the calming high begin to settle over her (it only ever took one or two hits for it to begin), she exhaled slowly, her eyes closed and her toes tapping against the ground. It was marvelous.

Table by Samael Lykoi!

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