Shaking like a leaf on the corner of life.
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300+ words. Sorry about the wait!

######The air had begun to chill, but it did not bother her too much, because of her natural protection from the cold. Still, Princess chose to wear the human dresses, even though it had no practical use during warmer weather, and looked a bit out of place in colder weather. The warmth humans had used clothing for was not needed by Princess, and she just liked to look pretty, so the dresses that she owned served that purpose magnificently. It was just a shame that she never seemed to have anyone to look pretty for, or to compliment her dress or her hair that she worked so diligently on each day. There was the option of going to see Haven soon (and she hoped that when she did, he would have as many nice things to say to her that he had said that first night), but she wasn't sure if she really felt ready to go and see him yet. It was a delicate subject with her, and though she knew she wanted to go see him soon, she was afraid that he might reject her, despite what he had said when he had come to visit her here and gotten punched by her brother.

######Not really thinking of where she was going, Princess was startled out of her own thoughts by some angry words from the large brown girl she could now see clearly, now that she was paying attention. "Such vulgarity," she said, tone light as she secretly wished she could turn and run. This confrontation could not be avoided forever, but it had not been her plan to do it today, and unfortunately, she was certain Mati had already seen her, so there would be no use in turning back now. Coming a bit closer, Princess was able to see some of the things on the ground, but she didn't know what they were or why they were on the ground. "What happened?" she asked, the question innocent enough. Hopefully, Mati would not be annoyed with her for asking, since she really didn't know what had happened, but she knew that she and Haven's sister did not have a particularly good relationship. It needed to be mended, but that could not happen if either of them was in a bad mood. Maybe Mati would take out her annoyances on her supplies instead of the other girl; that would be the preferred situation, but she couldn't pick and choose.

Table by Erin!

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