Shaking like a leaf on the corner of life.
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500+ words. Sorry for the wait!

######What Mati liked to paint was not really important, and the answer was lost on the dressed female. For all that she cared, the larger girl could have been going to paint a picture of the madmen in Inferni and whatever insane things they did there that Anselm had warned her about. Her interest in Mati's hobby was very small, and the only reason she might care is that the other girl was Haven's sister, and she liked Haven. Therefore, she had to keep her mind open to the vague idea that eventually, she would need to like Mati at least a little. Princess was so vastly different from the other girl, though, that she did not know if it was even possible for them to be close after what had passed between them the day that Haven had come to Crimson Dreams. Their talk had been unexpected, but after the confrontation with Mati and Ares as well, it had seemed like a walk in the park for her.

######Mati's denial of hatred shocked her, but her expression remained neutral in her silence. The explanation made sense, but she still did not believe her. "I didn't invite myself in, offer him alcohol, and then force myself on him, Mati," she said, keeping her tone as even as possible. "Until that night, I did not know what alcohol was. I saw him walking, and he was walking strangely, and the smell was odd, so I followed him. He invited me in, and he gave me alcohol, and things went from there." Her voice exhibited responsibility, though she did not know if Mati would realize that she was not trying to blame Haven for that night. While yes, he had given her the alcohol when he was aready drunk, it had been a mutual decision that they had reached, regardless of the state of mind they had been in.

######Closing her eyes, Princess inhaled slowly, trying to control the temper she knew that she had and that was beginning to creep into her mind. There was no way she was going to fight with Mati. . . Not here, not when they were discussing Haven, and preferrably not ever. If they would never get along, then they would have to avoid one another at all costs. "I didn't do anything to your brother. We both wanted it, Mati, and I wouldn't change what happened. And I think I did help, in a way, but even if you don't believe me. . . About any of this. . . Whatever. You're allowed to keep on not liking me." Princess wanted that, at least, to be clear. Crossing her arms right below her chest, she locked her gaze on the larger girl, refusing to let anything be said or done that could allow the topic to be dismissed. She wasn't looking for friendship; she was only looking for resolution. She owed that to Haven and Ares, at the very least, as well as to herself. Probably she also owed the effort to Mati, but she was still angry with Haven's sister for her reaction, so her juedgement was still a bit clouded.

Table by Erin!

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