Necklace Hunting
The young girl made her way into the forest, it had been forever since she met her two friends, Charon and Spirit. It was acctually Charon that brought her to this forest today, she had grown since then and looked more like a small wolf than a pup. Her legs had slendered out and her fluffy pup fur left and was replaced by a thicker leaner coat. Sunlight shown here and there through the dark clouds that once again haunted the area.

The young wolf pounced on a pile of leaves, she hoped to get a chance to put these hunting skills to some real use before she left Pheonix Vally. A small ray hit her and, like usual, her fur reflected the blue tint everywhere. She didnt mind much anymore, it was just normal now. A sudden scent caught her nose and the girl quickly reconized it as Charons, she quickly fallowed it and made her way down to a small gully. Her azule eyes searched the area for the silver lupen.

"Char? you around here?" she waited patiently with her tail wagging in anticipation

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