Down across the clouds

Kind words were not uncommon, even for the hardest of being, she knew, which was why she would instill such trust into him. They were loyal to one another, she know that both ways, and if Phoenix needed a push in the right direction or even just kind words, she knew that his friend would oblige. The woman smiled faintly at his words and nodded her head. The real peace came knowing that she had done what she needed and, as she stood and gazed at him, she knew that it was time for her to go. His words kept her though, not unwillingly, and again she nodded. He had all rights to ask her a favor also.

"I will be sure to do so." She smiled again and turned away from him. Perhaps, even for just a short moment, she seemingly flickered out of existence. Silent again, all was well, but as if there were some hesitation over moving on, she was back. More near to him this time and even less present than she had been before, she whispered quietly. "She knows." It was all she managed before she was gone.


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