'Couple of grammar questions
Marit love, you write beautiful English sentences. ;D It's supposed to be one the hardest language to learn from what I'm told... though it looks like Kiri's got all your confusions covered. |D Glad to see it!


Echo, your message sounds good, but your grammar and spelling are a bit off.

[ begin Grammar Nazi-ing.]

Grammar is spelled with an 'a', not an 'e'.

English should always be capitalized, as it is a language. The same goes for any other languages- French, German, Norwegian... yeah.

You have an unneeded comma after 'speakers' in your first sentence, and in the second sentence, an extra 'f' in afraid. You also wrote proofreading as two words- it is a single word. Unlike 'a lot', which most people put down as 'alot'. The comma after 'it' in this sentence would also go after 'like'.

In the third sentence, you're definitely using the wrong 'write'. I can't remember what words like these are called- ones that sound the same but are spelled differently- but 'right', 'write', and 'wright' are three completely different things. "Wright" is actually the surname of a famous pair of brothers that invented the first flying machines, right is "right or left?" and "right, as in correct," while write is "to write a story."

Your fourth sentence has an unneeded comma after itself, and grammar is once again spelled incorrectly.

The last sentence is fine beyond the repeated spelling mistake in grammar. At least you spell it the same way! I've seen people spell the same word four different ways in a single paragraph. It's rather disconcerting...

[ / end Grammar Nazi-ing.]

As was mentioned above, for your comma problems, read the sentence aloud and where you would put a natural pause, insert a comma. The general rule of thumb is that a comma indicates a pause in your speech, whether to breathe or to add dramatic effect.

Spelling is just... spelling. All I can say about that is to use something with a spell-check built into it when writing your posts- a friend of mine, for example, always wrote her posts for a different site in Microsoft Word before posing it, as well as had me look it over. Word isn't always great at picking out the incorrect usage of a word, such as your 'wright' for 'write', but it will at least make sure everything is spelled correctly. |D

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