Wind and Snow
Who wants to RP with Me? ;D


WoD Info Page.

1.) o9.1o.2o. __milieu: If Ten Million Fireflies Light Up the World
__"These were agricultural areas, populated with prosperous farming families and rural artisans -- a completely different milieu from the Monferrands', which was more closed, more cultured, but less affluent."

~~ +2 points.

2.) o9.1o.22. __aesthete: Hunting For 'Chu?
__"But he was also an aesthete with a connoisseur's eye for the wild modernist innovations with letterforms and layout of the 1920s."

~~ +1 point.


AW Points Info.

As of: o9.1o.21.
5 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 14 pts


AW Seasons Info.
Didn't Join Soon enough for these to count. Still doing some for fun though. |D
Duninudi - the Harvest Moon (October)::
As Of: o9.1o.21.

Monthly Tasks:
1. Have your character help harvesting the crops.
2. Include in one thread that your character has investigated the storage by the stables, and its contents (see website - territory). ----:: + Here.
3. Let your character take part in the harvest festival: feast on foods normally reserved for luxury times, and invite a guest to come along!

Ulagohvsdi (Autumn) September - November
As Of: o9.1o.21.

Seasonal Tasks:
1. Participate in the seasonal pack thread with at least 3 posts.

2. Number of prey available to us will soon decrease. Contribute to the tribe storage by taking down deer/wapiti or moose/elk, either on your own (trapping) or through cooperation with others (hunt). Alternatively, you can supply a decent amount of fish. Note: In the case of hunting game, it is unlikely that a single-character attempt will be approved. Contact the leadership for questions.

3. Somehow involve an eagle in a short-term plot/thread finished before the end of this season. Note that spirit guides cannot be used for this.

4. Prepare your character for the winter - improve his/her den to fight the frost/snow in the coming half year.

5. Obtain the three month icons from completing all monthly task sets this season. (Optional - eventually for the special icons)


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