
She was happy to see the blasted creature dead. She looked at him as she gave him a warm friendly smile. She wasn't sure what he had to say but she had hoped it wasn't bad. She brushed her hair from her face as he began to speak and she continued with her soft caring smile. 'Well thats it then." She said. She wasn't sure what else there was to say in honesty.

"I'd like to move the pups and I to my old room then." She said. She was the mother and they needed her more during the earlier stages in life. She would allow them to choose if they wanted to see leroy. They would not have to but she knew they'd want to. She only wanted what was best for them but she knew she had to do what was right for her too. She hoped to see vigi soon to ask him for help for the spring time she knew she could count on him.


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