cling to your lonesome folly
WC:317 //Of course, that's handy! :>

She found the path from the clearing, her muddy footpaws leaving a dainty trail behind her. Her wandering eyes followed the paths of spiraling leaves, the loose scraps of color tossed about by the scudding wind. Autumn was certainly a bright and festive time of year, although watching all of her beautiful plants be choked out by frost was depressing. It seemed like every winter she herself uprooted, looking for greener pastures. A migratory werewolf. The passing thought brought a weak smile to her delicate countenance, and she raised her muzzle, seeking the scent again. She was closer than she thought; the buildings she slunk past had all been dim and empty, but the fall breezes carried whispering signs that someone was nearby...

"Auntie Mew...!" Coli exclaimed, ears pricked forward at the white figure hovering ghostly about the balcony of the house. She hadn't even realized how far into Wolfville she had ambled, to discover Mew's home. It was a bigger house than her own, especially if it had a second tier above the first! She had never seen an upstairs before, sheltered thing that she was. Her secluded cabin was quite small, and she couldn't remember much from the cabin Haku had claimed off in the wilderness...

The brown-and-cream werewolf jogged up the path, a bright smile (not unlike Emwe's) lighting up her face. It had been easier to find her aunt than she had expected... She should have visited sooner, then. Her sensitive ears had not caught the sounds of any others nearby -- was Lubomir out hunting, then? She felt a selfish bit of relief that the man of the house would not be present; men made her uncomfortable. "I... hope it's all right that I decided to drop by," she added as she drew near to the tall construct. If she was intruding, she would leave, of course. No need to be obtrusive.


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