stranger at the door

Why did the ocean give her a place to reflect? The question opened up a door full of unknowns. Mati tried to close it, quickly before she was forced to ask them all, and venture off to find their answers. Idly she walked the length of the beach, slowly venturing towards the end of their lands. What if she could just leave for a while, a few days to clear her head and not feel the weight of new emotions. She had had worst in the past, real physical pain. Why was this unknown so much worst? Mati cursed herself for asking the question, for like clockwork the next came rolling by. What did it all mean?

Purple eyes looked down the beach, and as if there was a god to answer her prayers something filled her view. A little beast, nothing more then a pup. Four legs began to trot, and Mati hurried over to her. She smelled as Haven did, and with concern she questioned the puppy. “Are you lost?” She wondered, trotting towards the brown fluffy she-pup.



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