wherever life takes me

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It had all been done in a hurry, accepting Kol Stormbringer yet another time. He had accepted and vanished at once, all too busy with consulting the whispering voice inside his head. He felt the body reject the black taint, but he was already beyond any help. Everything would have been so much easier if his body could cooperate with his mind. The child was crying in the consuming darkness as usual, but there was a new ring to it now. They all knew what was about to happen. Soon, soon. The large ruin of the mansion that was his mind was slowly succumbing, rotting away together with everything else inside. The weeping came from the basement. Soon, now.

Haku had not felt fear in years, but he was uneasy nowadays. Once he had had control. He should have acted back then before that fragile control escaped between his fingers like water, slipping away from him. It shouldn’t matter anymore. Haku’s mind was never restless because there was so much to browse. He thought of the one eyed woman and how wonderful it had been to rape her; ruin her. Tokyo had been different, yet not really less pleasant. Now Kol was back and he had once allowed her to see the demon. How could he have been so ignorant. Repeating those same mistakes over and over again. No, now Kol was no longer an ally. She had tossed that chance away a final time. He found that it actually bothered him that Kol’s tree house was so close to his own dwelling.

Blue eyes watched the woman walk towards the building, clearly intending to return to what once had been her home. Where the fuck had she been, really? He strode towards her, autumn leaves crunching under his clawed paws. The secui wanted her to know he was coming. He hoped for her sake that she had a fucking good explanation for leaving Dahlia de Mai again. Same thing went for returning.


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