Simply not good enough
    Vienna had taught Gabriel how to carry and wield a spear, but he had been clumsy and lacked the skill she carried. Even though her blood had been mixed, the lithe and long-legged coyote blood had granted her with a feral, cat-like grace. She had never lost to him, even when he used his greater weight against her. Everything she had taught him he intended to show his niece, given that she too was much smaller then many wolves in the area. Even though he despised her father, he did not want the girl to come to any harm—something that would have crushed him, had he known she all ready had.
    “Hybrid?” Gabriel echoed, lifting both ears to form a mock-crown atop his head. “He knows how to fight like a coyote,” the Aquila explained, smiling strangely. “He fights hard and he fights to kill. He’s been here for years, and been in every war that Inferni has seen. If you can convince him to spar with you, you’ll learn.” Everything else aside, Hybrid had experience, and had not let his size cripple him. That was the greatest strength that she could learn from her co-Hydra, wickedness aside.

table by alli


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