Simply not good enough
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SSWM 396

For a moment the young woman debated whether or not to feel insulted when her Aquila said that her co-Hydra fought like a coyote. Her mind wanted to add double meaning to the words he chose to speak – that she could not fight like the canines on the side she had chosen to represent. An ear swivelled sideways as she quietly banished the sour attempt to spread seeds of doubt into her own mind. If there was something Halo had severe difficulties with, it was trust. Until now she had been unable to find creatures with authority that did not sow lies into her young veins. Gabriel was her leader and she wanted to trust his words and know that they were true. There were no hints of her mixed blood in his words. He did not hate her for who had given her life. Perhaps he had known reluctance in her early stages of membership, but she had and would still do everything in her power to ensure him that she was his Hydra. He had made her heart swell with pride when he had granted her the title of Hydra. She was damn proud to be a part of his plan, even if this included Samael Lykoi.

The rest of Gabriel words tempted the young hybrid. She had disliked her co-warrior for some time now – he had seemed arrogant and reluctant to dignify her any attention whenever she had seen him about. She did not like his ways, as if he was better than her. Perhaps he was, but he did not have to parade about like he did. Despite her harsh thoughts she would not attempt to track Hybrid Holocaust down and try to convince the older male to give her feral combat lessons. The girl wanted to learn and master everything that could be taught about fighting, and it was just a small bonus if she was required to grow a bit more of her spine to deal with the other Hydra in the clan. She was still learning how to turn obstacles into opportunities. She liked the sound of Hybrid’s broad experience from other battles. ”How many wars has there been, Gabriel?” the girl could hear herself ask. Kaena had spoken of Inferni’s history in brief words, but if there were more details to be found then Halo wanted to hear.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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