change in the air
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OOC: ©table code and image to Gen; Sorry it took do long. Had a buncha stuff going on RL.

The boy was wandering still. It was all he could do. He had no home. He had nowhere to go. And on top of all that he was lost. But should that really be a surprise when he wasn't familiar with the area at all? No, of course it shouldn't come as a surprise. He had no idea where he was and so there wasn't much he could do about it. He had been left behind and he wasn't too sure why, All he knew was that when he had returned to their safe area his mother was gone. That had been hard for him to take. Which was why he was busy wandering about now. He had nowhere else to go. Knew of no one else. And so it was difficult for him. hard for him to figure out where to go and what to do. He didn't know how to make it on his own. But somehow he was managing to survive.

He wandered through the trees, uncertain of just where he was headed. The ground beneath his paws was weird. It was too hard to be actual dirt. He didn't know what to explain the black surface as being. At first he had been afraid to step paw on it. Actually he had gingerly touched it when he came to a part where he simply couldn't bypass it at all. His steps were light upon it though, ready to leap off should it decide to swallow him whole or something. But so far it seemed firm enough to hold him. Still he didn't trust it. It smelled weird.

When, at some point, the trees grew closer together the boy wished he had some way of getting into the trees so that he could see what was beyond them without having to squeeze his body through the closely grown trunks and underbrush. And if that thought had some sort of magic of its own his body deformed itself. A whimper broke forth from somewhere in his throat. His paws hand contorted, elongating itself and breaking into defined digits. He had no idea what was happening to him but he didn't it. He stumbled through the trees in a panic, finally breaking the line and crashing onto the beach. He was a deformed mass, stuck somewhere between lupus and optime forms. And in his mind he knew nothing of what was going on at all.


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