When the day comes, look into my eyes


The grey cashmere tunic hugged her feminine form, both keeping the fragile girl warm and accentuating her figure. Her pale blue eyes were dancing around aimlessly throughout her house as she busied herself with cleaning up. With a pup as rambunctious as Jontae living in her house, Ruri constantly found herself tidying up the pup's sleeping area. It was not always easy for the blind girl, but she still managed to keep her home in a state of relative neatness. She never could guess when she might have a visitor and having her house look presentable would be nice. Of course, she could not see half of the things she cleaned, so her job was mediocre at best, but it gave her a feeling of accomplishment knowing that she had tried. Being unable to take the long walks across the packlands that she loved so much, Ruri had felt the need to busy herself with other things. With each passing day her ankle healed more and more and slowly the pain was fading. She found that she could walk further and stand for longer each day. That fact made the discomfort of her injury bearable.

Her sensitive ears detected footsteps on her front porch followed by a knock on the door. Quickly rising Ruri entered the main living area of her small cabin. Now she could smell exactly who it was, leading her to quickly open the door. "Hello Heath," she greeted, smiling excitedly, her pale blue eyes focused towards the scent of the man she loved. She knew that the horses were there, although she could not guess why Heath had brought them both. For the moment, however, Ruri had something very important to tell Heath, but she would wait until they had sufficiently greeted each other. As the new dauphine of Cour des Miracles, she had certain abilities and she had also explained everything to Jac. Everything was alright now.


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