When the day comes, look into my eyes

Though it should be obvious because she could not see, Heath did not know that she found his voice to be the equivalent to his eyes gracing her face for the first time in may days. Each time he looked upon her it was like being hooked into the depth of the electricity that connected them, again and again. He remembered when they shared nothing more then a curiosity, and then a deeper need to be near each other. It blossomed into a strength that seemed to handle anything that was thrown their way. Now, Heath felt a jolt each time he looked at her. A flutter in his stomach, a desire to be closer and a need to feel her soft fur. She had rebirth innocence within him, and he could not help but yearn to simply touch her hand.

Her words stopped his advance, and he took in each of them and found that he was confused. Knowing that she wouldn’t lie to him, Heath needed to process the news that she was giving him. Thin clothed arms found his form and as she hugged him he found his way out of the fog of surprise. Instantly he held her, his voice giving way to his shock and happiness. “Really?” He asked, having come to terms with the idea that he might just need to hide from Jac for the rest of his life. “He’s not going to snack me again?” His voice was filled with humor, and light heartedness. The male found it hard to think of a happier moment then this, knowing that together they were free from fear. And knowing that she fought for him.

Her concern was a rightful one, but Heath had a surprise for her. “Not to worry my Dauphine.” he spoke as he easily picked her up with a new energy that she instilled in him and bringing her right to the stallions saddle. “Stark knows the way, and I will ride Lumière. He is devout, and would follow her anywhere.” Just as he would follow her. “Trust me?” The male asked, his light and energy laced voice never faltering. He wished to know how she convinced the King that he was good for her, for there had been many times he thought he wasn’t. But he would try, again and again to prove to whom ever was looking that he was.



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