When the day comes, look into my eyes

Big Grin

Heath remembered when he had first met Ruri, and how he had thought that she was the kindest soul he had ever known. There had been no day that ever told him otherwise, and each moment he spent with her only reinforced that ideal. Knowing that she held anger for another creature did nothing to those thoughts, for he knew she didn’t want her mother to fall victim to misfortune. He was sure it was only the same hatred that he felt for his own father. Though Heath himself wanted to see the scarred beast’s face twist in pain. But that was his own rage that he had leashed some time ago, nothing like that existed within the beautiful collie woman.

But now they would look to the horses and to the stables to distract them from their discontented pasts. He watched the change in her face, smiling in the knowledge that she was no longer settled on the thought of her mother. Her words of Drogon made Heath forget as well, and a cocked smile was worn. He remembered that day, but it wasn’t the race that filled his mind. Instead he thought again of the time she had told him she loved him. Heath could never forget that day. “She wont be happy to loose again.” Heath spoke with a light tone. The roan mare would be ready to race, and ready to win.

The coy-wolf never noticed the small footfalls that pattered beyond the corner of the stable. Neither sound nor scent distracted him from the pale eyed woman.


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