the light's gone out inside
Valentine found her words to be cryptic on a certain level, as though there was something about his mother and her past that he didn't really know about. Although he was sure that he could take his own various whacks at it, just as he could his father. But the thoughts were pocketed as Fatin spoke on and he took an interest in what she had to say. “Well, I can't say that I have much of anything to complain about, but I've only lived about two years, and most of that away from here.” Two years had certainly flown by quickly, even if he still had another fourth of a year to go before he could consider himself a full-fledged adult by any maturity means. Six wasn't all that old either, he thought, because Fatin didn't look old. She looked older than he did, which was expected, but still quite youthful.

They did have a better grasp on youth too, because they didn't die at six or seven years old very often. At least from where he had been spending his time, needless to say. “I've been getting along okay. Trying to meet all of the locals that I can find around the pack. I met your sister, and one of your boys,” he spoke on, finding it was easier to talk about the living rather than the dead. He had liked Alarice and felt like he had befriended Endymion a little bit too. Then there had been a multitude of other faces and names that he could recall, but didn't just yet to pace things. “I suppose I should get myself a little more familiar with the lands, I haven't really ventured too far away from Jaded Shadows since I got here.”

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