these rules are made to break us

OOC: ooc-ness here!

Night had caught a scent when she had passed along the sandy beach. The smell was sweet and reminded her of this blue flower she had smelled only a few days before. She hadn't really liked the sweet smell, but it had been strong and it had made Night wonder if she could feel warmth from it. Of course it had caused no reaction in her, which lead her to destroy the flower in a very rare case of anger. Now her cold eyes stared at the cave where the sweet smell was coming from.

The sable girl was sure there were no flowers in that darkness, and a wolfs scent was coming from the den. Moving forward with no hesitation she went to the opening of the den and stuck her nose inside and started to inhale deeply. It was almost to much for her to take, her teeth bared at the strong aroma waffing off the den walls. Azure eyes looked around the darkness easily, seeing better in the dark area then when the sun was out. With eyes as blue as her own it wasn't a surprise they were sensitive to the suns light.

Her paw moving into the den and then another. She had never been in someones home other then her mothers back at Cour Des Miracles. As a right she got to live in her dead mothers den after she had died. No words came from her mouth as she sat down in the darkness looking at Tokyo with lifeless blue eyes. The pup was always cold, unless something triggered warmth or emotion inside her, which didn't happen as often as Night would like.


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