police, dogs, bonfire
Sorry, again :/

The shimmery feather caught Hemming's eye as Asha laid it down. He smiled at her response, nodding and making his way around the fire to settle on the rock she gestured at. It was a nice fire, bright enough to let its warm light flicker on the fur of the two wolves and light their eyes. Hemming stretched his legs, one crossed over the other, towards the fire to warm his toes. The recent few days hadn't been particularly cold, just chilly enough to keep the snow frozen, but the heat of the fire was remarkably pleasant. Letting out a satisfied 'mm' as he held his hands to the fire, the wolf said, "Meet any fire breathing dragons in your journeys?" A smile curled up one side of his face. He enjoyed the little game they had created and reveled in the fun of make-belief. He was truly interested, though, and the tone of voice in which he asked his question had sincerity and curiosity within it.

When the two had met the weather was warm and the fields green with new grasses. Asha had been one of Hemming's first acquaintances, and quickly, one of his first friends. It was hard to imagine that so much time had passed since he had first found AniWaya, difficult to understand that the seasons were taking the same amount of time to cycle as they normally did. So many things had changed, and though his time in AniWaya was short so far, the years before seemed like a half-remembered dream.

james made this!

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