An unlikely series of events
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In the darkness, she grope blindly. Slender digits prodding the encroaching darkness for anything…everything…and nothing all the same. She had fallen into this plane before, the one that nearly driven her mad in the waking world. She sought a reason…a need to understand why she was thrown into this dungeon of illusion once more as she wandered, a lost child in search of its dam in the ominous abyss. No longer was it suffocating, no longer did it harm her eyes, for as the darkness settled, she grew used to it, welcomed it as she felt for what was not there.

But how the dreams did favor to give one what they needed. A light, but a sliver in the distance, growing steadily with each step it its direction. The subtle burgling of a river flowing into her ears as she neared, ready…willing to face the light as it washed upon her face and she was rid of the dark again. But how cruel were the dreams as well to give what one did not want. The scent of another, lupine, familiar, drifting into her flared nostrils. The haze of dream obscuring a name from recognition, but as eyes of silver beheld the form, she came to know him. The ginger pelt standing against the smoky white, the crystalline stream of the rive adjacent to her pack mate…opponent.

And to her opponent, her lips splayed apart. The deadly jaws equipped with razor fangs parted their fullest as the rattle of challenge issued from her tensioned throat. Was this all her dreams would consist of now? Fighting? A death waltz to grant her passage into the waking world? How horrible…yet she had come to accept it. The sooner he fell, she sooner she would be granted peace and the passage to a world rid of the illusions and stench of death. The memory of her challenge and her fall still haunted her though there was nothing real to be taken from it. Still…it haunted her.

And this would not.

From her vocals, another snarl emitted, ruining the stillness of the atmosphere as it was heavy with clouds. The groan of the river silenced as well.

Words: 364

I'm thinking about something... Be quiet when I talk. I'm just wandering

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