A stranger's request (j)
He seemed to be one of those either very nice wolves that respect others like they should or a very cunning or desperate one trying to seak acceptance. Alex thought he was just nice but still kept cautious, just in case he ment trouble. His weakness got to her heart since it resembeled much with her own but he still seemed strong enough to really injure one if he wanted to. Well we are not a hospital here. she kept all icy and distant to make sure he understood she wasn't one of those weak hearted females that give in to any nice looking male in trouble. And if you think about staying you'll have to remain here and serve the welness of the pack. that would be the best way of thanking us for help. She approached alittle more trying to figure how he got that injure than continued: Anyway, accepting you has nothing to do with me, and the one that can do that will soon be here.

Alex's voice warmed up alittle as she started to stare at his foot. How this happened? she continued, aware of the fact that he never answered that question. I might help you with that if you please but it will really help knowing how you got it. Besides that you have to promiss you won't behave bad. She laughed softly of the way her last phrase sounded. It was an obvious hint of naivity in her voice that proved her still young age and lack of experience but it also sounded nice enough to release some of the tenssion around. She was pretty calm in the given situation but that was only because she knew Haku will turn up soon and in case of trouble he could chase off any danger. At least that was what she thought.

Heading a little further, Alex picked up some snow and stretched her hand to give it to the male. You can try this for now. It will ease the pain and make you feel better for a while. I can give you something to help you more after you'll talk to the Rosen. She smilled and waited for the male's reaction, eyes set on him with a strange confidence.

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