OOC: Hi! New to the AniWaya, and I am so looking for threads! Got only like idk 3 days left?! RUSHING!!! PLEASE RP WITH ME <:L THANX!!! AW!!!

IC: Echo entered the borders of the AniWaya, proud and full of joy. He was so excited he wanted to see the town and his fellow friends. He remembered where Dali Amara had directed him and went straight towards the town. He didn’t know who was there, or if they’d be as kind as Amara. But he did not care as the town was the only thing on his mind. As he entered it, he saw many old buildings and got very excited. He had never seen such structures before and was mesmerized. He then started looking for the other wolves. He didn’t recognize the scents, but was sure there had to be other members around. After all, this was the town. There had to be other wolves around.

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