one of my turns [p. j.]


He probably looked somewhat ridiculous, bent over panting like he had just run a whole marathon, but he didn't really care. He hadn't wanted to wait a minute before reaching her. At her giggle he couldn't help but allow his tail to wag as he grinned up at her. Her laughter was like music to his ears. Seeing her again only confirmed the feelings that were beating so heavily in his chest. He loved her, and he wanted to tell her right that moment, but he was distracted by the bags that she carried and her sudden nervousness when he asked about it. It worried him for a moment that some trouble had befallen her back in Crimson Dreams and she had been kicked out or something. He couldn't imagine her doing anything even remotely bad enough to warrant such a punishment, but he couldn't think of why else she would have brought bags with her and called him at the borders instead of going to his house like she had last time.

It took him a few moments to process her words, his mind turning them over and searching for any way he could be misinterpreting what she was saying to him. She was...coming to stay with him? Live with him here, in Cour des Miracles? The Knight straightened back up to his full height as he looked at her, hope mixing with the confusion on his face. " want with me? Here?" he asked, breath still somewhat ragged. Could it really be?


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