you stand there shaking in the pew

it's all good, my lady! i'll archive this. :3

All he wished to do was encourage hope for Cambria and Mati. The beginning of a relationship was as frightening as it was exciting. There was so much uncertainty, so many questions that circled one's mind. He knew what his daughter was going through, for she put words to his own feelings in the infancy of his and Savina's love story. Sky-hued eyes took on a faraway expression as he allowed a few seconds to question himself, as he often could not help doing. He wondered if he had sounded dull to his daughter, and if he had even helped her at all. However, as soon as these thoughts entered his mind, he chased them away as the nonsense they were. Wasting time analyzing himself was of no use to Cambria. Kansas had done his best, and he had spoken with love. That was all he could do.

He returned to the present, silky tail waveing steadily at her grateful touch. The thanks she gave was the most beautiful sound in the world — and he hoped that what he saw in her eyes was relief of some kind. "Yeah, of course, honey," he returned. "I love you." It was easier for him to accept his little girl's discovery of romantic emotion now that he understood her feelings. He was quite reassured by the thought of her talking to Mati about them. Even if she chose a different path, Cambria now had their conversation to turn to and consider, if and when this troubled her again. It was enough for him.


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