Give Me More


The Dreaming Major knew that she had not taken the shortest route. It was foolish of her to not cut through the Cour lands, but she felt the need to take her time. She had traveled to the city in the hopes of finding supplies, and now she trudged along the Eclipse with her leather bag filled with what she could scavenge. It was not always easy to find useable materials, and after looking through all the stores she had been in before the artist had traveled to parts of Halifax that she had seen before. But she only took what she could carry and what she knew would be of use. It was too long a walk to carry things that would foolishly weigh her down.

The trip took days, and so she woke early from her makeshift shelter and returned to her journey at the sun’s first light. Mati let her paws crunch the dead leaves and rustle through the fallen foliage. The Eclipse was a safe place in her mind, the gateway between the eastern world and her homelands. It was pertinent that she returned home, for the pack would need her just as she needed it, but her mind wandered just like her footpaws did. Fall had come and gone and she had hardly noticed it, and so she looked at the reds and yellows and was reminded that she was now two years of age.

A small valley, a glen or meadow that Mati had not come across before, opened up as she wandered on. The trees broke, but their leaves had scattered across the grass and made it a sea of fire across the floor. The creative creature could not help but pause at the sight, leaning against one of the tall bare trees that made the boundery and created the circled field.

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 502 words

He thrived on color, as plain and simple as that. The monotone nature of his pelt was a bother and so eh did what he had to in order to alter the coloration of it. For the time being that meant rolling around in the in the dirt and grass while it was still available to be seen. Sure, it would look strange should any happen upon him but he hadn't seen anyone else in the area when he started rolling about. What he was doing wouldn't really add as much color as he would would like but it would at least be something. It would last a few days and that was enough for now. He would simply have to remember to stock up when things became in season again so that he would have colors to actually choose from instead of making due with whatever he could find as a last minute substitute as he was doing now.

His coat became a mix of green and brown because of his ministrations. It wasn't exactly the most beautiful sight in the world but it was something at least. It served well enough for a quick job. He got up from his rolling around and grabbed his satchel and slipped it over his shoulder, continuing his walk in optime form. Maybe he would chance across some sort of flower or something else of color. It was a vague hope but it still never hurt to look. Who knew, he just might get lucky. Just might be able to find a bit more.

Eventually he came upon a break in the trees. He wandered in and took a seat in the middle of the clearing. There wasn't really anything there to use but some dried leaves and those certainly wouldn't work with the purpose that he had in mind. Still it was nice and quiet. It was a like a retreat from the world, a sanctuary from life. He took a seat in the center of the ring and picked up a nearby stick. Without thinking too much on it he pulled out a knife from his satchel and began to cut the rough bark away in order to have a smoother surface to work with. But then after a moment or two it was as if he sensed another around. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a female standing in the trees. With a smile on his lips he waved her over and patted the ground to invite her to sit for awhile. "It's okay, I won't bite unless you ask me to." After all he knew his large size could be considered intimidating to some. After all he had been larger than all in his cult, but that was his grandfather's genes in him. Or at least that is what he had been told. He had been told that he resembled his grandfather, all except for the color of his coat. He was white while his grandfather had been black.

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edited CD's name in dialog so that it wouldn't change...

She stood in the silence of the forest, her eyes looking out into the meadow. The purple gaze caught the light, the shadows that were brought on by the high position of the sun and the cover that the trees gave it. Her looked as the pattern, the colors and shapes. The pencil that was normally wrapped in her hair was between her fingers and it moved around the paper, taking down the general shapes, the direction of the light and helping the image become permanent in her mind. Perhaps she would later paint it, or perhaps it would be lost to the many other ideas that she once had and never done anything with.

Mati looked down, seeing what she had done on the page. But a scent told her to look up again, and then her ears spoke to her brain as well and gave a warning. Through the trees came another wolf, though his pelt seemed like some sort of mixture of camouflage rather then a natural born hue. He didn’t seem to notice that she hung just at the edge of the clearing. She watched for a moment before he turned to see her, calling her over and making her wander immensely.

The Dreamer was not one to trust other easily, and the male held a strange scent that was not familiar at the least. His invitation was kind and from what the Church woman could sense honest as well. But she could never be sure, and so she approached slowly and spoke an introduction. I’m Mati, of C.rimson D.reams.

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 521 words

Oh no, his coloring wasn't natural at all. Or well, it wasn't what he was born with though he used nature color himself. But that was the only sense in which it was natural. Actually he tried to stay away from the color that he was born with just as much as he could. It wasn't that he didn't like his coloring but simply that he didn't like being stuck with a single color when nature was so full of many different colors. Even his own sister had more than one color. It simply wasn't fair that he was stuck to being only a single color when the rest of the world got so many. So for as long as he could remember he had altered his color just to have more than one.

Perhaps his words had been a bit off or strange since she took her time in approaching. Or she could just be one of those cautious sorts. Either way she had drawn closer and had spoke. That was something in the very least. "I'm Ouija, of the new pack just back that way." He pointed back in the direction that he had come from as he has introduced himself. He was giving the general direction of the pack. It wasn't too far away really. "So where is your pack at?" What could he say? He was curious. He had never heard of her place mentioned before. Not that he really knew of the other packs in this area. He had just happened open one in formation and had promised to help out. And well, he was loyal to his word. He hadn't given a time period in which he would help out. And they hadn't said they didn't need his help any longer so he would probably be there until the end.

"What do you have there?" He questioned and motioned to what it was that she had in her hands. It seemed as if it may hold some sort of value to her since she kept it close. At least that was his assumption. After all he tended to keep his satchel with him most all the time. In it were things that had meaning and value to him so he could easily understand that being the case. "Really, you don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to do anything." He offered up a smile before going back to working on the stick in his hands. It was something for him to do no matter what the female decided she wanted to do. After all he wasn't about to force her to sit and chat a spell. Unlike him, she might actually have something that she had to get done. She could be on her way somewhere for all he knew. The female could be returning to her pack and he had only ended up getting in her way. If she didn't have the time then he wouldn't push the issue. After all he was enjoying it here. He could work without having to be concerned with what was going on around him too much.

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He smelled of the forest, of other wolves wrapped with the notion of a new pack. It was same smell of the Dreaming pack that she wore each and every day, since the beginning of her life. Mati had never known anything else, and the scent of something new was not a comforting feeling. But the demeanor of the nameless wolf did not bring her a further sense of unease, he was calm and comfortable in her presence and made a difference for the bronze female.

He did not remain nameless for long, and told her that there was indeed a new pack formed. Mati gave a small smile, the lips curving before she could even notice it. Still she questioned him when he did not give her a name of the new group. They would have a name wouldn’t they? New pack? She wondered aloud and then moved easily into the answer to his next question. Back that way. She mimicked his motion by pointing in the direction from which she came.

She made her way towards him, his curiosity acting like a second invitation and Mati sat near him in oder to hand over the pad of paper to show what she had been working on. She wasn’t afraid of him, for it was something different then just fear. It was trust, and believing in the sincerity and in the transparency of the world around her. The scars on his arms, hidden by think fur, reminded her and anyone close enough to touch that the world was not always how it seemed. Its just some sketches. She paused, then asked another obvious question, Have you painted your fur?

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; Sorry, it's been unusually cold where I am at (enough to actually get snow) and I'm anemic so I can't keep body heat so I've been freezing lately and unable to feel my fingers and toes; 502 words

Ouija was generally quite easy to get along with. Of course some of his actions, words, and habits were a bit of a turn off for others. But they were typical of the way that he had grown up and been raised. Of just what he had been taught. There was nothing that could change what teachings were passed down to him. But so far he hadn't ran into too many, if any at all, that found these peculiarities to be too off putting to not want to deal with him at all. At least not in this territory so far. Back in New Brunswick there had been some controversy, mainly from those that lived near the cult but weren't a part of it.

He nodded his head with a smile and gave the female the name of the pack that he had helped to found. "Cercatori D'Arte. All about the freedom of artistic expression." He explained what he had gathered. Everyone had some different talent and were ranked upon it. Or at least that is what he had come to understand in the least. He wasn't too certain what everyone's talent was but it would just take getting to know the others of his pack better. While at the foundation he had shown off what he was capable of no one else had really bothered to do so.

He took the pad of paper as it was handed over so that he could look at it. He had to say that he was quite curious about the abilities and interests of others. He smiled as he studied the details that had been put onto paper. "This is really good." The words were spoken as he handed her work back over to her. "The majority of drawing that I have done have been upon flesh." And with the words he indicated the runes that have been imprinted in his own flesh, having been placed there by his own hand. He had done others but they weren't here for him to show off. "Do you intend on coloring it? I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the finished work. Perhaps even owning it should there be something that I can give in return." Not that he might know what she liked but if it was in his ability then he would try to secure it for her.

He chuckled at her question and nodded. "That I have. It is only grass and weeds mixed with some dirt right now. It is what I could find since I don't have any colors saved up. I lost most of my supplies in the move so I have to make due with what I can find right now. Nature is so full of colors that I don't see why I should be limited to one." At least that was the thought process behind his odd appearance. He was used to the strange looks and raised eyebrows but not many actually question it for him to end up explaining.

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The Dreaming female listened intently as he spoke of his pack. She found it quite interesting that a pack could just form from a group of strays, and she wondered if it was a family that had traveled to these lands and hoped to settle here. Mati caught the last bit he spoke about artistic expression and her ears perked. Was this a pack dedicated to the arts? She could hardly imagine such a place, where everyone looked to the arts as something more then just putting pencil to paper or paint to canvas. Everyone could see the true power of it, and felt the movement. Wow, I didn’t know there was such a pack. Mati spoke, a tinge of awe in her voice.

He looked down at her sketch pad, and she waited as he looked them over. His comments were positive and genuine, speaking of his own talents and favored medium. Like tattoos? She asked, hoping to see an example of his work. But then he pointed out the markings he had made on himself, and she nodded as she began to understand.

I will likely use it as a reference, for a painting. Mati explained, thinking over the offer for a brief moment. I don’t know if one of those would look good on me. She said, pointing to the markings on the male.

Mati would it fascinating that he wished to muddle his coat up with dyes in the hopes of becoming colorful. I understand, though at times white can be just as beautiful as rainbow. She commented with a smile. Mati found a pure pelt to be stunning, pure and yet filled with depth that other might not see. Where there was light there was always more then one color present. Have you searched the city? She wondered, Mati always found interesting things in the city.

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; Want to end soon?; 529 words

No, Ouija had no connection to those that a pack had been founded with. He had just happened along at the opportune time was all. He had just settled with the first that he had come across rather than continuing to wander. They looked as if they could use the help and Ouija was the type to give his help where needed. "It has just recently formed." He spoke the words with a hint of a shrug. He didn't expect everyone to know of it yet since it was just getting on its feet. They were just working to build themselves up.

"Yes, tattoos." He agreed with a smile and a nod of his head. He didn't think he had talent enough to craft what she did. The tattoos that he crafted were the designs thought up by another. He had only put them into place. So all he had done was put another's imaginings into reality. He gave others what they wanted.

He chuckled and shook his head. "They aren't all that I do." He smiled and lifted up the stick that he had been working on carving. "I can do other things as well." He made a slight motion to his gris gris as well as his satchel. "I have made each of these among other things." The gris gris had been crafted from snake skin while the satchel was simply made of deer hide. "Just name something that you are interested in and I will let you know if it is possible." He said as he cut away a bit more from the stick that he had been shaping, the thin legs of some hooved animal starting to take shape as he worked.

He smiled at her roundabout compliment but couldn't see himself agreeing to it himself. He simply valued color too much to find himself agreeing. He spent so much time dying himself that he could hardly remember what it was to be plain white any longer. "I've been to the city before. Gathered some storage supplies but didn't really look around for color. I guess I will have to make another trip and look then." On his trip he honestly hadn't thought to look since he had always picked his own stuff to make dyes out of. He had simply picked up things to store what he would spend the spring picking when it got to that time of year again.

"Do you travel to the city often then? Perhaps you can give me a hint of places to look." He had once again taken to focusing on what he was working on as he spoke. He really couldn't stand having his hands idle for too long. He liked to always keep himself busy, something that was picked up from a young age. He had learned not to sit idly by when there was always work to be done. Because of that he always had to find something to keep himself busy with instead of just sitting around and doing nothing at all. A time of relaxing for him was a time when his mind and hands were busy with some sort of work.

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we can end here, or with your next post?

No, a tattoo was not something that Mati was interested in this moment. They looked painful and there was nothing she wished for be engraved into her skin. There was only one thing in the world that she wished to have on her at all times, but she held that name in her heart. She thought it was enough. But the male pointed out many things, leather work just as Anann did for example. The bronze woman nodded. You do beautiful work. There was no denying that. The male was talented in many ways. I don't desire anything now, but if a need arises perhaps I will seek you out in Cercatori D'Arte. Mati spoke the new pack's name, trying it out on her tongue.

The city was a confusing place, and the many streets that were now cracked and broken did not help in one's search for something specific. She had been there many times, and there were some outings in which the Church woman came home empty handed. But again and again she poked around buildings and skipped over broken glass and rifled through debris in the hopes of finding something useful. Yes. The University is a good place to find instructional books. There is also a small store, in the center of the city that still has many useful things. I don't think many could find it to raid it in the past. Or maybe they did not find the things important. Mati explained, though she would not know how to direct him without being the guide.

Maybe I can show you, another day. The city can be confusing. Mati offered. But the day is getting away from me. The pack will be looking for me, it was nice to meet you. The day was certainly getting on well, aging nicely and she could almost see the question surrounding her disappearance in the mind of her mate.

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