Sometimes it feels just like I'm

Private for Layla!

He had decided that today was the day to take on a bigger challenge. Saul had beaten him at running and at being fast...but Gideon was an expert fisher! He would bring his brother back a full string of fishes and really show him up! The male had been thinking about besting his brother ever since the day that he and Saul had run into the bear at the beach, and today was the day.

The young luperci had finally learned to shift, with the help of his brothers, though it hadn't happened easily or quickly for him. He hadn't thought that he would be able to do it at all, at first. He'd had to concentrate for a really long time and had needed to focus really hard to be able to do it. Was it like that for all luperci?

Gideon stood taller than ever before on his back feet, his large and bulky form making its way along the sands that lined the northern part of Dahlia. He was intent on getting a different type of fish today, the more colorful ones of the ocean. Saul would definitely be impressed with something like that, he felt. Today he'd brought plenty of fishing line, two good solid rods, bait, hooks, and bobbers.

The male looked up at the noon sun, sniffing a bit. He'd had a runny nose for part of the morning, and it seemed to be coming back as he walked across the cold sands toward the water. It was probably all the chilly weather. He wasn't used to such weather. He set his things up at a ridge that overhung a deeper part of the shoreline, putting his bait onto the hook and letting it slowly down into the water.

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Let's do this Jamesy and I'll get Melee going :3. WC: 402 {3 points}

Layla was still not herself even after meeting the loner in the cemetery where she had buried her dead pups. She wanted to go back, but something was holding her back. What if her mate caught her continuing to go back and got annoyed so much that he would call her pathetic. A few tears dropped out of her eyes at the thought as she wandered around her home. There was nothing much to do anymore and with winter soon coming she wouldn’t want to leave her home. All she could think around was keeping the fires warm and snuggling close to Saluce. The mistress was laying on the couch, just staring into space hoping something would happen. She wanted to leave the house but if she did, the only place she was seen going to were the graves of her pups.

Layla looked outside to the noon sun and gave a sift sigh. Here she was wasting her life away when she could be doing something more productive. The mistress forced herself off the couch and into her herb room. Her nose was instantly filled with the scent of her plants she kept here. She figured she would take some just in case she needed it. The black and white she wolf grabbed her satchel and proceeded to leave her home. She left a note to inform Saluce that he was heading out and wouldn’t be back until later. With that, she snuck out of the house and began to head to the only other place she felt a peace at, the beach.

Layla could feel the cold weather kicking in seeing as the sand was cold and surely the water was even colder. Thankfully there was no wind and the sun was at least providing a little heat to her, though her thick fur was covering that aspect quite well. The mistress padded along, expecting to find herself here all alone, but she noticed someone on the shoreline. He was tall for his size and all black. When the black and white she wolf got closer, she noticed it was good ol Gideon and it looked like he was working on something. Her arms hung sadly at her side as she approached the male. ”Hey Gideon… What are you working on…?” There was still the hint of sadness in her voice and eyes and waited patiently for him to reply.

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He had his feet over the edge of the ledge, his tail out behind him. Since learning to shift, he had wanted to try to catch fish this way. He was tired of using those nets! Gideon hoped to catch something really big and important so that Conor might recognize his fishing skills and allow him to have a higher rank in the pack when he got a little bit older. He wondered if he would be put at the starting rank or the next one up. He wanted to be close to Conor but not a leader; Gideon wasn't quite the leader type. He had a lot to learn.

Layla's voice behind him made him turn, his tail wagging excitedly. He had been wondering what his packmate had been up to lately; he hadn't seen her much! He stood up and made to give her a lick on the muzzle, an affectionate greeting for an old friend. "Hey!!! I'm fishing. Thought I'd try this new way out!" He pointed to his rod, which he had stuck into the ground....but....where was it?!

He looked over the edge and saw it, caught around a few tree roots that were sticking out from the ridge's walls. It wasn't too far down...he reached, grabbing it. Whoah! It seemed that some animal had pulled it over the edge when he had gotten up to greet Layla. Something strong, too! He pulled up, tugging on the line. "I don't know what the heck is on this line...but it's something big!" He said, distracted.

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WC: 329 {3 points}

Layla was so glad to see that Gideon was as happy as ever, but her depression was holding back her passionate smile. There was only a hint of happiness in her eyes, even though she really was happy to see the mood he was in. The mistress didn’t even flinch when the young male licked her muzzle. She knew it was in a friendly way and didn’t hold him against it. This was the kind of comfort she wanted and seeked from her pack mates. The black and white she wolf had taken note to the answer of her question. It looks like her fishing lesson helped him to figure out what he was going to do with this life. She was sure he would become a nice fisherman.

Although Layla was quiet for most of the time she was with Gideon, she was feeling rushed with a wave of emotions. There was that wave of sadness mixed with the warmth that the young male had provided for her. She was unsure how to feel and it wasn’t entirely her fault. The mistress crossed her arms and held them as she felt a cool gentle breeze pass by. Winter would soon be here and the she wolf wanted to prepare for it. Perhaps when they were done here, Gideon wouldn’t mind helping out an old friend and helping her find some logs to use in their fireplace.

Layla’s blue orbs moved up when she saw him racing towards his pole. She carefully set her bag down so that she didn’t damage her things and then followed him. Considering the force behind this, there was no way this was an ordinary fish. She gently held the young male’s sides so that whatever was on the other end of the line didn’t drag him into the water. Even in her depression, she was not about to let one of her pack mates go, seeing as she saw them as her family.

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Gideon was definitely going to grow up to be a big wolf. He had a very large frame with wide shoulders and a wide torso, his feet larger than average as well. He had forgotten to ask his aunt if such things ran in their family, size-wise, or if he had just gotten lucky. The boy was pleased to do tasks that were suited to his personality, like fishing, not choosing to use his size for anything other than to benefit the pack.

He did notice that Layla was being rather quiet, and gave her a curious look as he held onto the pole. Goodness, was this thing heavy!! With her help he slowly stepped backward, reeling in whenever he felt the slightest give. He was afraid that his line might snap with the weight, but there wasn't anything that they could do but continue to try and pull it in.

His muscles strained with the effort of reeling the aquatic animal in, pulling and pulling for what felt like hours. They were only minutes, though, and he soon had the catch up over the rocky edge of the cliff, flopping and gasping about on the mossy rocks in front of him. What WAS that?!

The animal was a grayish blue color throughout, about half as long as he was tall, and as he pulled it farther away from the cliff side he could see that when it opened its mouth, sharp teeth became visible. The hook was caught on the side of its jaws, stuck completely through. "I've never seen anything like this, Layla! But it kind of reminds me of a whale...a little bit!" He said, flabbergasted.

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WC: 359 {3 points}

Layla felt like she was growing closer to the young male in friendly way. He was the one she seemed to be with the most when she was not with Saluce and felt that he was actually her best friend in the whole pack. Just him being around was enough to try and make her spirits come back from the darkness, though it was still hard. The mistress shook her head as she tried to shake the depression from her mind. The black and white she wolf tried to focus on the good time she was having with Gideon.

Layla continued to help Gideon pull the creature onto the shore. She could tell that they had something heavy and big on the other side of the line. Since she was older, she would begin the steps backwards to try and pull the beast in that way. The mistress was worried that if they didn’t get it on shore soon, the line would break or she would lose her grip and let go of the male. She really didn’t want that to happen. She used all the strength she had to keep her grip on the black male. To her, this was like one of her own and she would never let anything take him without her getting in the way first.

Finally the two some was able to bring the flopping beast to the shore. It was nothing like Layla imagined it would be. This looked like a fish but then she noticed the teeth that this beast had. She was cautious about the creature but noticed that Gideon was more curious about it. She stayed at a distance away and warned him about getting too close. She was worried that it might try and bite her friend when it was trying to get free. She heard his comment about it looking like a whale. She doubted it was a whale and it looked more like something else. Because the she wolf was not an expert on fish, she had no idea what this thing was. She just hoped that the male would be careful as he approached it.

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wc: 340

It wasn't too big but also wasn't in any way small. Gideon examined it carefully, reaching a finger out to stroke along its back. Wow! Its skin was really rough, like nothing he'd ever felt before. How interesting! He grinned for a moment at the discovery, intrigued. The male then backed up from it as it flopped, surprised. He could see blood coming out of its mouth from where the hook had come in and cringed. Having a hook in him like that would probably hurt. He occasionally felt bad for the creatures that he'd caught, especially ones that he wasn't sure if he wanted to eat or not. Would this creature's pain be for nothing?

He was grateful that Layla had helped him haul the thing up. They worked well together! He pulled on the line some more, dragging the beast away from the cliff's edge and the water as it flailed about. He wanted to get the hook out of it and examine it further. Gideon reached for the hook after observing it for a while, waiting for it to still. He'd seen creatures come back to life once they were in the water...he wanted it to tire itself out so that he could get the hook out of it safely before he did anything else.

It seemed that luck wasn't on his side this day, though. The darkly colored male reached for the hook just as the shark chose to come back to life on its own, snapping its jaws shut around his first finger, middle finger, and thumb. They sank down deep and the shark whipped its head to the side, wrenching his fingers and entire arm back and forth. He felt his arm come loose from his shoulder socket and winced as it cracked back into place as the shark's head came back toward him. "Ahhh! Layla!" He beat on its head with his other fist, getting down closer to it so it couldn't wrench his arm back and forth any more like it had.

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Table by Alli!


SSWM: 540

Layla was still rather worried about Gideon getting so close to the creature. Even though it was out of the water, there was still a chance that it would be able to move and strike. She stayed close by just in case something were to happen. So far everything was going along nicely. The shark hadn’t moved and he was beginning to get the hook out of its mouth. While the young male was doing his work, the mistress began to look over the beast. She couldn’t believe how many sharp teeth this thing had. She could see the front row and then a smaller row of teeth right behind them. The sight sent shivers down her spine. She crossed her fingers hoping that nothing would go wrong. Just then the black and white she wolf saw the beast bite down on Gideon’s hand. She screamed before rushing over to him, trying to get the animal off before her friend was badly injured. She helped him bang on the shark’s head but it seemed like nothing was working. She then remembered something she thought she had read and bashed at the shark in the nose. She was sure this was the trick to get the beast off of the male. Her ears folded down as she continued to hit it in the nose until it let go of Gideon.

Layla whined once the beast was off and she would rush Gideon over in the direction of her satchel. She was so glad that she decided to bring it today just in case something like this were to happen. She quickly opened the bag and instructed the male to go wash off the blood in the water. She was sure the salt from the water would make his wounds sting a bit but it would help to heal them as well. Once he had returned, She would use one of the sleeves to dry the wound and then begin to rub some aloe over it. This was going to help close the wound, but in time. The mistress then began to wrap up this hand in the bandages she had brought. She was running a bit low and would have to revisit the health hut in the city later on her way back home. Once she was done patching up the black male’s hand, she would head over to the water to clean the blood off her sleeve. The black and white she wolf then returned to her friend and folded her ears back as she held his hand gently. ”Does it hurt Gideon?” She was sure it did and she wanted to help him make it feel better. Perhaps it was best if he left the hook in the shark until they were sure that it was dead. The creature was bound to eventually run out of air and die, so now it was just a big waiting game. The female took a seat in the sand and stared out into the waves as they crashed along the shore. She remembered the fun she had when the weather was nice and she was able to run around as if she were a pup again. She wished those days would return.

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wc: 280

He couldn't believe that the thing had bitten him! He wasn't one to immediately go to violence, but when he was in pain he would do whatever he had to do! Layla helped to get it off of him and he looked at her gratefully before staring down at his now-bleeding hand. It had been a long time since he had seen free-flowing blood like this and was reminded of the night that he had come to Dahlia de Mai as a tiny, blood-soaked puppy. Much had changed since then and the memory was faded, but still there.

He had his hand cleaned and bandaged up before he knew it, but something didn't feel quite right. "I think it broke one of my fingers..It hurts to move it, inside the joint" He said, trying to move the finger. He couldn't move the top part of it at all, and it ached worse than anything else to try. "It'll heal..I'll keep it straight and try not to use this hand." Gideon said, staring down at it and frowning. Hopefully the shark would be dead soon so that he could take care of it. He wanted to cut it up and take it home for the pups to try.

Once the rush of the moment was over and things had calmed down, he looked to Layla. "Are you OK, Layla? You've been really quiet today" It was something that he was just now noticing, that she had been particularly quiet. "You're always really bubbly and happy" He said, sitting down beside her. He was careful not to bump his hand on anything, mindful of the injuries. "Thanks, too, for patching me up."

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Table by Alli!


Sorry for the wait. SSWM: 531

Layla was so glad to see that the beast had let go of her dear friend and that there wasn’t too much damage done to his hand and arm. She folded her ears down as she looked over to the shark. She had a feeling something like this was going to happen, but she was unsure of how she would have been able to tell him. The mistress knew she should have spoken up and now she began to blame herself for the whole situation. She couldn’t believe how much her depression had taken hold of her. She could feel the sorrow returning to her mind as she patched up the male’s wounds. Her blue eyes looked up to him as she frowned. ”I’m so sorry Gideon… I should have warned you about the shark…” As the black and white she wolf continued, her gaze moved over to the beast to make sure that nothing else was going to happen. She could see the blood on its teeth. It was a sickening sight and was just glad that Gideon was still alright even after the attack. Her attention turned back to him when he mentioned that his finger might have been broken. She thought for a moment and then told him to wait. The she wolf moved back towards the woods and looked around for a few small twigs. Once she found them, she would return to the male’s side and point his finger out so it stayed straight. She took the two twigs and put them on either side of his finger before wrapping them in bandages. It was a quick and easy splint to help with his finger if it really was broken. Her ears moved back up slightly as she looked to the work that was done. She would tell him later how he would be able to manage the splint.

Layla was not surprised that Gideon had picked up on her lack of excitement. She preferred to be the happy go lucky she wolf that she was, but her depression still had a hold of her and she couldn’t get free from it. She emitted a small sorrow filled sigh before looking into the male’s turquoise eyes. ”I’m sorry I haven’t been so lively Gideon…” She paused for a moment to think. Would he really understand the pain of losing a litter of pups, let alone would she be able to trust that he would not release the information she told him to anyone else; although, she was sure it was clear to everyone that something was bothering her. She gently shook her head. How could she keep something like this inside to someone so close to her? She found her courage and began again. ”I’m still feeling depressed… I haven’t gotten over what’s happened…” her tail curled around her waist as she sat down and stared out into the waves. Her mind was racing. The black and white she wolf wanted to know what Gideon had thought about her and her depression. Her eyes would turn back to him once he spoke, but until then they stared out into the nothingness of the wind and sea.

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wc: 309

Gideon immediately felt guilty about the fact that he had made his friend feel bad. Was she being so quiet because she was upset about the shark biting him? He frowned widely, tail stilling. He hated to make anyone ever feel upset or angry with him; Gideon wasn't an attention-craving wolf by any means, but he loved his friends and liked to see them healthy and happy. He didn't like to know that he was the one to have caused anyone's pain or discomfort. "No, I'm sorry for being so stupid! I shouldn't have pulled the hook out until it was dead. Looks like it's about dead now, though...I'm going to cut it up and cook it later, I think. You should come home with me and help me make it and have dinner with us!" She deserved to, after the way she had helped him out.

She helped him wrap his finger up as well, making a split for it. He yelped when she moved it, the bones shifting slightly against one another, but quieted when she was finished. Layla was speaking again and he listened carefully to her words. He had seen Layla around lately but hadn't known or realized what had happened to her. He didn't understand why such a thing could even happen or how a wolf became pregnant in the first place, never having had that kind of talk with his aunt or with Conor, but he was concerned for his friend either way. He looked back at Layla, turning his head and trying to get in front of her a little so that he could look her in the eyes. "What happened to you? I hadn't heard know I'm busy with Melee and Range, and I don't like to gossip. Did Saluce do something?" A burning, angry feeling was filling his chest.

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Table by Alli!


sorry for the wait. SSWM: 434

Layla was sad to see that Gideon thought it was his fault that she was so upset. This was kind of the thing she was trying to avoid. She did not want to rub her depression off on anyone else. She closed her eyes from a moment and then opened them, going back to patching him up. ”No Gideon… none of this is your fault… I’m the adult… I should have been more cautious with the shark and you going near it…” She continued at her work, staying silent until the black male mentioned he was going to take the meat back and eat it. He was even kind enough to invite her along. She tried to smile but simply nodded to her friend. ”That would be very nice Gideon… Thank you…” She continued, though took a moment to look over at the shark. She was glad that it was dead now, though still sad that her dear friend got hurt in the process. She could not help but continue to blame herself for this mess.

Layla folded her ears down when Gideon yelped from the pain in his finger. She did not mean to cause him any more pain, but it was needed to help him heal from this injury. She held his hand gently just to check the splint when she was done applying it. She wanted to make sure it was going to help the finger heal. Once she was done, she sat down and laid her head down on her lap, keeping her gaze to the sand in front of her. She only returned her orbs to the black male when he asked her why she was feeling so bad. She understood that he was taking care of the pups, so there was no way he could have found out about her litter of pups. She began to speak but felt tears come out of her eyes. The black and white she wolf tried to wipe her tears away as she shook her head. ”No… Saluce did not do anything… It’s something I did…” She paused to try and calm herself down before she told him why she was feeling so depressed. She could not stop crying. She tried to speak clearly through her tears. ”I gave birth to a litter of dead pups.” She buried her face into her knees as she continued to cry. She could see the old memories of the moment coming back. She did not want to be reminded of that awful moment. She tried to make it go away, but it would not leave.

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Closing <33

"No, it's ok! I shouldn't have put my hand in its big old mouth and all...I'm so lucky you were here" He tried to lighten the mood with his cheery attitude, but things seemed to darken after he spoke. Layla wasn't hurt by something he had done, but by something that Layla said that she had done. He didn't understand how having a litter of dead puppies was her fault by any means, he had been told that sometimes things like that happened in nature.

"Well I don't think it's your fault. You wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, Layla" He couldn't help his friend with her pain, but he could be there for her. He moved to lean against her, trying to offer some kind of comfort. Gideon didn't know exactly how she was feeling, but just being by her side would satisfy him for now. Maybe time would help her heal from the events that had happened to her.

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Table by Alli!


We can end this one now. WC: 332

It did not matter what Gideon said to her, she still blamed herself for what happened. How could she not blame herself for what was going on in her life? Her depression had taken hold of her and controlled her, not to mention the very thing that caused her depression had happened. How could her very first litter been a miscarriage? The mistress had been so excited for the months that she was carrying the pups inside her womb only to find that they were all dead from the start. Tears began to flow out of her eyes as she thought back to the very moment when she had lost her old self. The black and white she wolf saw it flash before he eyes. She could see herself laying on the mattress trying to push her dead pups towards her, begging them to drink and move. The tears would not stop so long as that image remained in her sight. She wished it would just go away and leave her alone so she could maybe try and return to her normal self.

Layla looked over to her dear friend as he tried to comfort her. She knew there was not much he could do to help her, but just him being there and understand her was all that she needed to try and bring herself back. She could feel Gideon’s soft touch as he leaned on her gently. The mistress turned to the young male and wrapped her arms around him, crying on her shoulder. She could not help her impulsive attitude right now, but she just wanted some comfort. She could feel her tears soaking into the male’s shoulder fur as she cried. She would only hold on for as long as he wanted her to. The black and white she wolf knew she would have to head back home soon. Perhaps she would be able to visit Gideon again soon and when she was in a much better mood.

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