Phoenix Reborn
She had returned after the long trek to find her wayward children, and yet after it all came to an end she came back alone. Iskata Sadira wouldn't make them return, though she knew one day that they would. It was in their blood, the pull of the tide to return to all they knew. She'd wandered once, she may still again, but she had returned home in the end. Paw over paw she made her way back to the territory she knew, but before she crested the hill she caught the acidic stench the fire had left in it's wake.

Staring out across the lands the wolfess of silver and gold froze in her tracks. Everything the light touched was charred, embers still burning under the smoldering remains, ash fluttering in the breeze and rolling across the ground she had once known so well. Her heart was pounding in her throat as she tried to swallow back the fear and panic that attempted to take over. She knew these lands, this was home, or atleast it had been. Now, there was nothing here. Bowing her head she sighed, feeling the tears trickling out the corner of her eyes as she stepped down the hill to investigate...

...almost a week she'd wandered those lands, knowing now there was nothing there. She'd almost turned back and started the trek back to find DaVinci and Firefly but a strange scent caught her attention along the edge of the mountains. Wolves. She wasn't sure who the scent belonged to but there was still life out there. She struggled on and over the mountainside following the faint trace of another.

Exhausted yet determined she found herself looking out over land that was still whole. There was still far to go before she was there, but her time ticked and treaded over the idea that perhaps her family had survived. Atleast, someone had survived, that she knew now. Down the mountainside she went and over the rough plains as she set out, fear haunting her soul but hope in her heart that they were there.. somewhere.

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