Special Delivery!

OOC: For anyone, really. Sky wants to help out her neighbors and get a little bit more info on what's going down between them and AniWaya. Curiousity killed the cat, right?

So Crimson Dreams had been hit hard, hm? By the oh-so-friendly AniWayan folks, no less. The news had surprised the d'Arte medic. She hadn't expected a war to have suddenly sprung up like it had, especially not involving such peaceful (as of late) packs! There'd been plenty of little upsets throughout the years but a war? She'd never expected to live to see one.

Her loyalties were strong. If d'Arte was siding with Crimson Dreams, then so be it; she'd put her all into helping their neighbors, even if it meant putting her own problems on the back burner for now.

This was why the young hybrid had taken the time to trip out to Dreamer borders, her satchel filled with medical supplies in case they needed the extra helping hand. She wanted to inspect the damage and help out with some extra herbs and medicine if they needed it.

So, keeping the borders a foot away from her, she howled, that sing-song series of notes reaching far into the territory as a friendly welcome to any who came to greet her. She'd left Tal back at Thornbury, proud to have him as a second medic for a change... prouder that he'd never be competition thanks to him being her mate.

Once the echoes of her howl died away, the girl took a moment to lean up against a tree, tired from her trek over and still a touch sore from her previous trip to AniWaya. It was worth it though; if Skye wasn't going to inform the pack on details of the upcoming war, then she'd just have to find out for herself.

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((*swoops in and steals it* We can chat and meet Tal's mommy all at once. Teehee. wc 316))

Just a day or so ago, Soran had called the pale woman to the border. Imagine her surprise to see her son, Tal, standing there in his jeans, all grown up and then some. They had talked, and then he'd left to return to his pack. To his mate.

Her son had taken a mate. The pale woman hadn't ever felt prouder of any of her offspring. He was his pack's second medic, and he had a mate he swore his life to. And the boy had his own son, too. Deuce was thrilled for her son. She planned on going to visit the boy in just a few days, to meet his mate and son. She'd been gathering willow bark near the border when a call rang out. She knew she wasn't high enough to greet joiners yet, but this didn't sound like a joiner looking for entrance. She bundled the strips of willow bark with a braid of grass and set it gently in her satchel, then made her way over to the border where the call had come from.

She saw the one who had called and stopped a foot away from the border, on the Dreamer side of the border. Her posture was neutral, her scarred face set in a friendly smile. "Hello there, I'm Deuce. How can I help you, young lady?" Oh yeah... she had every right to call most any one she saw young. The woman was nearing her ninth birthday in March. She studied the stranger, not threateningly, but curiously. The other woman had many piercings. It seemed they were becoming even more popular here. Back in Michigan, hardly anyone had them, and those who did were strange ones. Even being a shifter was frowned on back there.

Her tail wagged slightly, showing she had no ill intent to the one on the other side of the border.

OOC: :o Mother in Law! x3 This should be interesting.

The woman who greeted her had an eerie resemblence to her own beloved back home; it was the eyes. One blue, one golden, white fur... they could've been twins, aside from age and gender, of course. Still, Sky smiled politely and put her wonderments behind her. This woman was obviously aged, well past her prime if she dared to say so. With age came wisedom, though, and Sky had to envy the woman for the many things she must've seen in her long life.

Good hunt, ma'am. Sky spoke clearly, politely, straightening her posture only to bow her head and keep her tail low as per desired. My name's Sky Katruk, medic of d'Arte and a friendly visitor. I come bearing no ill intent, I assure you. Blah, blah, blah.

I heard about the raid that happened here and I came to offer my help, in case your medics would like an extra hand. I can't stay long; my mate's waiting back home, but I could leave a few helpful books, tips and supplies if anyone needs it. Blah.

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((Interesting indeed. Let me know if you want the PP changed, dear.))

Deuce's eyes widened as she listened to the woman. Words jumped out at her. Sky Katruk, medic of d'Arte. Mate back home. Her tail began wagging faster. This woman who she was looking at was her son's mate. She tried to contain herself, but her squeal of joy exited anyways, making her sound like a young pup. She darted forward, enfolding the woman in a joyful hug. "Sky, I was just thinking about you!" She laughed excitedly, her eyes dancing.

"You are Tal's mate. And I am his mother." She laughed again, thrilled to meet the young woman. "I am so excited my son met a good woman to settle down with, and a fellow medic too. I was the founding Shaman of Phoenix Valley, back in the day. Tell me, my dear, about yourself, about your pack. I want to know everything."

Belatedly, she remembered the woman's offer of assistance to the pack's medic. Somewhat chagrined, she admitted, "I haven't been here long, so I'm not really sure who the medic of the pack is, but I'm sure they would appreciate it. I'm hoping they let me prove myself as a healer as well. I'm no Fatin Kali, but I'm pretty good. Now Fatin, she hated me, but she was amazing herbalist." She grinned at the woman, well aware the girl must think she was a little touched in the head. It was the age, she supposed. But Budha was right. If you acted old, you would feel old. She didn't act any older than the typical two or three year old wolf, and therefore she didn't feel her age at all.

OOC: Bwahaha. >D

The woman's squeal of joy was met with a squeak of surprise from the younger hybrid, who cringed the moment the other wolf darted forward. Suddenly, she was embraced in a happy, excited hug. She'd been thinking about... her?! What?

The woman's next words made so much more sense. This was Tal's... mother! Sky smiled brightly and her edge of fear vanished. No wonder she was so excited! And it was contagious; Sky felt a bubbling in her own chest, her tail wagging unevenly but quickly behind her and her ears perked.

This was a first. A warm welcome from.. family! She had family now! Friendly relatives, at that! With a happy laugh, Sky brushed her hair out of her face with a delicate hand and grinned widely.

It's an honor to meet you, then! I wasn't even aware Tal's mother was living in the area anymore. He's never really brought it up before. Not in offense to the woman. Any time Tal would've tried to talk about it, Sky would've quickly changed the subject to something less related to family; with Dusk someone in Ontario or New Brunswick and her mother dead, Sky wasn't really one to talk about parents and relatives much.

But Deuce seemed like a wonderful woman! The topic quickly changed back to Sky's offer of aide and she smiled, nodding. We should trade tips, then. I've got plenty of old medicine know-how that would surprise any of the new-age medics. Considering how young she was... And when that's settled we can trade stories about our precious Tal, hmm?

Always the trouble-maker, Sky. Always looking for juicey stories on the people she loved so dearly. Now she had Deuce to thank for any embarrasing pup tales about her darling mate and she planned on learning each and every one by heart. Mwahaha.

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An infectious giggled bubbled up. "Tal didn't know I was back until recently. I've only been back a month or so." Her tail wagged excitedly as she studied the woman that was her daughter in law. She was bright, well spoken, and obviously as smitten with Tal as he was with her. This was her first daughter in law she'd got to meet. She didn't count Jazper's first mate, in her eyes that was still a silly mistake. He'd fallen in love with a full blooded coyote from Inferni. And she had broken his heart soon thereafter. She had yet to meet his current mate, Ghita, but she'd heard good things about her.

"I would love to trade tips with you. Does your pack have willow trees? Its been a while since I've been in that area of the lands, and my memory isn't what it used to be." She gave the woman a teasing wink, laughing again. "As for stories about our Tal, I have millions." Her eyes danced as she grinned at the woman.

"Did he ever tell you about the time he tried to get eaten by a bear? He was such a fearless pup growing up. I tried to instill a healthy dose of fear into him. But no sooner would I remind him of danger, but he would wander off and find trouble. We were practicing hunting, and he smelled a bear cub. I was focused on the rabbit were were stalking. The next thing I know, I hear momma bear roaring, and Tal yelping. I charge in and wave my arms to distract her. She turns on me, and I'm telling you she was huge. I grabbed a fallen tree branch and waved it at her. It took her a bit of time to realize I wasn't hurting her cub, and that she could leave my pup alone. She nearly scalped me for my troubles." Deuce pulled back a chunk of her hair, showing the ragged uneven scar that was hid by her hairline. "I used the leaf of an elephant ear plant to staunch the blood, and some aloe to help the healing. Headwounds always bleed more."

She grinned impishly at her newest daughter. "I hope some of that wanderlust left him. Otherwise he'll drag you everywhere. But it sounds like once he settled there, he stayed put. Does he still love to read?"

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