I caught myself

Word Count → 540 :: OOC: zera'im please

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something I never should have thought.

Panda had taken a liking to the horse she had taken from the Anathema caves. It was a mare whom had not been owned by any of the particular pack members and she seemed to be rather unruly at times. Panda had several conversations with the mare, for a while now, and the mare had been disappointed that she did not trust others to ride her, nor to really handle her. They took good care of her, especially that albino male, but she felt like she could be of more help to the pack if someone got to know her. Panda was that woman to get to know the paint mare, and Panda had asked the mare if she could use her, and then maybe later own her when she could get into contact with Naniko. The mare agreed to these words, and from then, Panda had been regularly taking the mare out on rides. Venom had been following along on the only stallion within the caves that were for the horses. This is what they were doing this morning, riding out of Anathema lands on their steeds.

Panda had been more apt to leaving the pack lands recently. She did have her days of depression, of deep depression because of the lose of her unborn children, but then she would have those days where she wanted to never be in the dark caves ever again. This was one of those days, and she found herself and her soul mate riding out of the packlands with ease. She hoped that her healing would not need her to be close by because she didn't plan on coming back to the lands so easily. Venom would more than likely be the one whom tells her that it was time to go home. Was it really even home anymore? Panda felt uneasy around the caves that were not protected by her and her runes and energy. She sighed lightly as she thought about it and she rode along. You really couldn't make a home unless your heart was there, and Panda was starting to think that her heart had drifted elsewhere. She needed to meditate and see where her path was heading to, because right now, she felt her path had come to an abrupt halt.

She'd possibly hate herself for leaving the pack she committed her blood to, not only because of that fact, but Anathema seemed to be a place that frequently needed a healer, if not for injuries than for births. She bit her lip when she thought about birth and she whinced lightly and put her hand on her stomach. It made her sad once again, but she did not want to turn back. Those caves were cursed to her right now. She wanted nothing to do with those caves right now, and her steed would bring her to where she didn't need to deal with them. Venom...she called back to him, turning her nose to the male. Is this where we are supposed to be? Like, forever? she asked him, and he cocked his head at her. I don't know Panda. I don't feel like we will be there forever. the male spoke to her truthfully, like he always did.

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image © Sie!


The soft warm breeze rustled through the tree tops causing the branches to rub against each other sensually, creating a heat of their own. The sickle moon hung low in the sky even during the day, and she could feel the spirit of Luna watching her. It was in this scene that a figure came forth from the tree line followed by the black as night quadruped that she had called her soul companion for more than a week’s journey. Over the breeze now the sound of soft humming and footfalls could be heard as the figure neared the borders.

It was obvious this figure had been traveling for quite some time; a cloak was draped about her shoulders and she used a scythe as a walking stick, its blade glinted in the sunlight. Around her arms shined clasps of gold, her hair braided in long strands in front of her. The wolf-dog female slowed for a moment and turned a fringed ear back towards the horse. The large dark stallion that she lead behind her was laden down with packages and bags, white sweat beaded up on his haunches like hot frost. "Not much longer my friend…" she encouraged.

Zera’im had been on the move for a fortnight and she finally sensed that her journey was nearing its end. She had heard the voices on the wind at night and knew the spirits were moving her here, and the spirits were amaranthine in their wisdom. Soon she would settle, soon she would find peace, and not a moment too soon for fall was pushing summer aside and winter not far behind. This land would be good for her soul.

Zera’im stopped and took a deep breath, closing her eyes she raised her hands to the sky and stood motionless for a moment, in deep prayer. After finishing she crossed herself and looked back at her stallion who had begun to become restless. He pawed the ground and snorted and before long Zera'im could smell and hear the other horses. She stood still as they approached, like a statue, so different compared to her ebon equine who nearly danced beside her.


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Word Count → 431 :: OOC: I'm sad because i lost my first draft of this post.

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something I never should have thought.

Venom felt the aura shift in the atmosphere around them. Something, someone was close by. Panda felt comfortable within the presence of whatever spirit had come into their presence, but Venom seemed to be rather unnerved by it, because his chest rose and fell rather quickly, and his shoulders tensed. It's okay, Venom. They aren't going to hurt us. she spoke to the changling, whom looked at his soulmate and nodded his head. He calmed himself as best he could and he started to take deep and slow breaths of air. They were in the presence of a being whom might be more experienced than they were, possibly more powerful, no matter how much either of them would have wanted to deny such blasphemy. The two continued to move forward until they were within the sight of one of the most beautiful female's that either of them had ever laid their eyes upon. Both of them instantly thought of the willowy girl that they lost their virginity to, the woman by the name of Desiree, for they had the same type of fur, but not the same colors by far.

Panda's mare came to a halt, as did Venom's stallion, and they both stared at her pretty long, Panda with soft eyes and Venom with those cold, distant ones. Panda could feel his cold gaze and when she had stopped looking at the beautiful woman, she shot a glare at the boy, whom looked at her and immediately corrected himself. His eyes returned to the woman with a softer look to them. uhm, Hello there, miss. the girl spoke to the woman before she threw a leg over the right side of the horse she was mounted on and she moved to where she was standing in front of the woman and in front of her horse. She bowed her head lightly to the woman. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, some anxiousness flowing through to her. Venom watched Panda from where he was, and he remained stock still as well.

My name is Panda, Do you know that you are quite close to Anathema borders, miss? Panda could sense something about this woman, something that told her not to turn her away, but to welcome her into their home, even though she was not of Anathema. You and your horse, ya'll are tired, yes? We can help you find some place to stay.. Panda offered, about to offer for them to help the woman find some food as well, but she couldn't get her voice to work at the moment.

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image © Sie!

I love playing Zera

As the two horses neared Zera'im could see that they were not wild but mounted by two Luperci. Her ears shot forward, erect and still. It had been a while since she had seen any of her own kind and was keen on seeing how this meeting would begin and end. It was a male and a female, each set upon a mare and stallion respectively. No wonder Korosk danced like a demon beside her, the scent of mare and the threat of the stallion was nearly too much for him to bear. He let out a loud whinny as they came close and she placed a cream colored paw on his shoulder and made a circular motion, calming his aura.

After her horse had resigned himself to just flicking his tail, Zera'im looked carefully and intensely at the pair, just as they were at her. The aura of these two astounded her; it swirled together in a vortex, nearly combining them into one living creature. They were soul mates, most likely lovers or siblings. The male was guarded, and Zera sensed that he could see her just as well as she him. The female, with her exotic coat, was a little softer and Zera could see that located around her abdomen the color of the aura had shifted to something more dark. She had recently miscarried. Zera'im had seen this many times with young mothers in the past and her heart ached for the monochromatic wolfess.

The woman must have recognized the length of the gaze they all held upon each other and she chided her male companion. Zera'im smiled lightly. These two were good, if not troubled, and she did not even need to use her Evil Eye on them. She would have to make an offering of gratitude later. The black and white wolfess dismounted and greeted her and Zera'im gently raised a hand, "Greetings to you as well, sister." It was interesting that she had used the word "sister" rather than "daughter", but this wolfess seemed like a kindred to her rather than a subordinate.

The wolfess went on to introduce herself as Panda, a perfectly fitting name, and informed Zera that she was close to the borders of a pack. This did not surprise her, she had smelled the ever growing number of individuals as she had drawn nearer, it had only been a matter of time before she stumbled upon a designated territory. Panda offered her a place for the night which surprised Zera slightly for it was unusual for a stranger to so easily be accepted. She stared deeply at the girl for a moment, investigating her aura once more, before answering, "It is true that we are tired and would gladly accept your gracious offer." She took several steps forward, bringing her horse to theirs. Korosk immediately bumped noses with the mare and then briskly greeting the stallion and this brought him back to his mellow self. Zera'im smiled, "Forgive him, he hasn't seen any of his kind since he was but a foal. I go by Zera'im, it is a pleasure to meet you both."


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Word Count → 554 :: OOC: That's a good thing, you play her well. <3

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something I never should have thought.

Panda let a smile bring itself upon her maw, something that was oh so common on her face. She was known for her gentle eyes and her bright and friendly smile. Her half-tail started to wag back and forth lightly as she watched the woman. She gave a greeting to her, calling her 'sister', a normal greeting for shamans or wiccans to call each other by. Panda and Venom both recognized the language she used and were respectful of her right away. Venom even dismounted his horse at this greeting, the changling even managed to give the pretty woman one of those handsome smiles that he seemed to like to hide from the world unless he had a good reason to do so. Venom bowed his head himself. My name is Venom. he mentioned, though he did not speak of his rank in the pack, for he had no reason to. Rank held no meaning over Venom's head like had had with Panda, though Panda had not spoken of her Furcas rank today. He was glad not to hear her call herself that. It made no sense to him that she would. He'd much rather her call herself a shaman, which was what she was.

The woman verified that she was worn from her travels. Panda could tell that she and her companion were tired, for it seemed like a wave had come over her as soon as she had looked into the other's mismatched eyes. Your aura is beautiful, Zera'im. Venom commented, for he was able to see her beautiful aura that surrounded her. Panda giggled at Venom and pointed her nose towards him. What he said is true, sister, your aura is beautiful. Comforting as well. Panda spoke to her, nodding her head as she looked back into the eyes of the beautiful woman. You horse is beautiful as well. she commented, and smiled still at the woman. Panda and Venom both watched as the horses touched noses, and they got to know each other and be friendly with each other. Panda was glad that the horses did not seem to be put off by each other, because the last thing they needed was a fight between the massive beasts.

Panda was apprehensive all of a sudden, because she was excited to know if this woman had been a shaman like herself. The way that her aura shifted around her had told her that she was not like Venom, but she had been similar to herself. Would you like to load some of your stuff onto our horses so your horse and have a break? Panda asked, wondering if the woman would want to give her horse a break. She didn't ask the question she wanted to though, for some reason, she was afraid of the answer. Or at least she thought she was afraid, maybe just nervous about the answer. That seemed like a better explanation. The girl put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a stone, almost discreetly, and she started to fiddle with it between her fingers. The stone itself seemed to be slightly attracted to the new woman because of her interesting aura, but it knew that Panda was it's master, and it would forever be within her ownership until the day that it shattered, or Panda perished.

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image © Sie!


Zera'im felt her essence combine with these two, like an aura soup. It spread about them as if on a breeze and even mingled with the horses. It was very comforting, being around Venom and Panda, their aura's seemed to cleanse her own. She smiled at Panda's compliment but remained silent, still adjusting to their energy. The way these two greeted her almost made her feel revenant and she was glad in it.

When Panda offered to lift some of the load from her horse, Korosk muttered before Zera could even respond. She laughed lightly, like the tinkling of silver bells, "Yes I believe that would be good." She moved to begin releasing some of his burden and motioned for the two to help if they so desired. She first grabbed her bag of energy crystals, the emanating energy of which immediately alerted her to the stone Panda now fingered. It was a small piece of rose quartz, so that confirmed it. Zera'im's keen eyes met her's, "You're a lady of the craft. The spirits have ordained this encounter.", she placed a gentle hand on the woman's shoulder. It had been some time since she had met another Shaman, and another woman no less. This was a very good sign.

She continued to move items from her horse to the others and as she did so she met Venom's gaze. She stared at him intensely but said nothing. His aura was a like a fire, the heat of which was extraordinary. The energy of the rose quartz brought to light his love for Panda and Zera'im felt miniscule in the light of this passion. She smiled warmly at him, relaying with her eyes and aura that she was of no harm to him nor his prize.


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ooc: lalalalalllaaaalaaa

Venom especially noticed that their auras all seemed to mingle above them, it was rather interesting to watch, the green mixing with the violet and the orange that had come from Panda and Venom. Venom held a handsome smile at the array of colors that were mingling with each other, and he started to grow more and more comfortable around the woman, now knowing what she was, who she was. The only person he felt this comfortable around was Panda, so it was strange for something like this to happen. When Panda offered to take some of Zera's stuff, Venom was quick to help out and take some of her stuff that she unloaded from the black stallion's back. Venom's eyes briefly went to Panda's hand, which held the stone. Then Zera had grabbed a bag of powerful crystals that's energy could be felt even from the distance away that Venom had placed between them for the sake of mounting the things on his stallion's back.

Zera's hand touched Panda's shoulder, which made her flinch just a little bit, for her energy was enormous. The feeling of the woman's hand seemed to put whatever extra energy she had into Panda, and it felt very weird. She'd been subjected to receiving energy before, even mistakenly, but it was ridiculous, the way hers was absorbed into Panda's body. She stood tall though, and she smiled at the dog woman. Yes, I do believe the spirits have ordained this meeting. It is a pleasure, my sister. This here is our brother, for he is a man of the craft as well, though he is not a Shaman, like you or I. she explained as she looked over to Venom. Venom watched them and nodded his head. His specie of wiccan that he was supposed to be seemed to be vague to even the woman whom spent the most time with him. His aura changed so much that it was hard to read what kind of energy he possessed, at least to the untrained eye of the shaman woman. She still had such a long way to go.

Zera gave Venom a smile, and Venom embraced such a smile, and found the woman to be non-threatening to him, nor to Panda, even though she had many a tools for the role of a shaman. Panda, I don't believe it would be wise to bring her upon packlands, for the others might not be as insightful as we. he spoke to the monochrome woman. Panda nodded her head. I know of a few caves just on the outside of Anathema where she can seek shelter, We'll lead her there. the woman spoke to him, and then she loaded what she could onto her own steed and she looked back at Zera'im. Maybe we can converse further on the way there, sister? she asked, before she grabbed the reigns on her horse and she turned the paint mare around and started to move her to the east, where she knew there were free dens.

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Zera’im was nearly mesmerized at the way the two of them interacted and when Panda introduced Venom as a holy man it took her a moment to come back to reality. She smiled even more sweetly at Venom then, because he was special in Zera’s mind and she felt that someday they might learn something important from each other. Venom mentioned how the inhabitants of their pack might not understand Zera and she understood this; her power and knowledge sometimes frightened others, and sometimes it could be as small as paranoia and at other times it could be as bad as an inquisition. Zera’im did not want to cause grief to anyone so she was glad that Panda and Venom knew of place that they could commune together quietly that night.

Once the possessions had been evenly dispersed among the horses Zera’im took hold of Korosk’s dark leather reins and held a hand forward, “Lead the way, we shall talk as we journey, for I sense you have as many questions of me as I of you.” It was true that she had journeyed over the mountains to find more knowledge and perhaps even a place to dwindle into the life hereafter; Zera’im was getting on in years, the acme of her spiritual power was near its waning point and she wished to fulfill whatever was left of the Great Spirit’s destiny for her. That she had found these two, Venom and Panda, was nothing less than a blessing and sign that she was on the right path.

She moved in silence beside them, her cloak brushing against the ground like a whisper; the soft, rhythmic beat of the butt of her scythe as she walked added a heartbeat quality to the stroll; her long fur waved gently in the breeze; she felt alive. Her mismatched eyes once again caught sight of the sickle moon, still low in the bright sky. Yes, she would definitely have to make a burnt offering to Luna as soon as they settled.


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OOC: :] / +655

The woman told them to lead the way, and since Panda seemed to know the land slightly better than her counterpart, she took the reigns to her steed and she walked alongside the paint mare to the side where another would be able to walk alongside her and not have a problem with the horses crossing paths or being in the way of the sight of another. The girl looked to the woman whom had a thick cloak on her shoulders and a scythe in her hand. Panda had once dreamed of having a scythe, and a runed cloak that would sit gracefully on her shoulders, yet she was not lucky enough to run into such objects, and she was quite jealous of the beautiful woman's accessories. She quickly got rid of this jealousy though because she knew that eventually she would find things that would be her destined materials for her to be a full fledged shaman, prepared with all of her possessions. Where did ya' get all your gear from? she asked, for the woman beside her did know that Panda had questions, and boy did she have questions. They all were bubbling inside of her head, and thankfully the girl did not have a loose tongue or she would have just tossed out whatever came to mind. She was considerate though, so she knew to let the woman speak before she would bombard her with more questions.

Venom walked silently behind them, the male had been increasingly looking at females more recently since he was becoming of age to actually do something (though he had already lost his virginity in more ways than one) and more recently he would get more and more urges. He watched the girls' hips as they walked, and as they walked he watched their tails and rumps as well, a slick tongue wrapping around his lips as he walked along behind them a good enough distance to not get kicked by any of the other horses. He smiled a crooked smile while he was there, obviously thinking about dirty things. Panda looked back at him for a moment, but he wasn't sly enough to erase the look of lust from his face before she looked back. She knew the look and she chuckled before she wagged her tail and gave a little strut for the male to look at, and of course he did look. She looked at Zera again and held a smile there on her lips. What kind of stones to you work with? I only have been lucky to get this rose quartz from Venom here. I haven't been lucky enough to get any other stones, though I'm sure there are some in the caves somewhere, I just need to get something to chip them away and obtain them. the girl spoke to the woman before she nodded her head and she thought about where she might be able to find some stones. I bet a scythe would help with that, though I haven't been able to get my hands on one of those either. she spoke, as she lead them to a cave that had been unclaimed by anything or anyone.

Panda stopped her steed and let go of the reigns before she trotted over and looked into the cave. She sniffed around to see if she could smell anything, but the only thing she did smell was bats. She looked back to her companions and she waved them over. It's all clear! Just some bats is all! she spoke as she trotted back over to the two and she took her horse's reigns and looked to Venom again. Bats, eh? We got a way to drive them out so they don't shit on us? the male asked. Panda shrugged her shoulders, for she did not have anything to drive the bats away, and who said that Zera wouldn't want their company?

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Whoo long post! / + 526

The questions began immediately after the group had begun to move. Panda and Zera’im walked beside each other, leading their respective horses, and Venom trailed behind. The first question was about Zera’im’s possessions, which was a fair question. In her lifetime Zera had collected and inherited many human artifacts and the majority of them were used for various ceremonies and rituals. However, there were some that were just plain accessories that served no purpose other than to keep one warm and protected from the elements; such as the cloak about her shoulders, or lend aid in walking and moving away thick brush; such as the scythe. Zera’im answered quickly, These things I have acquired over the years to aid me. Sometimes they were given to me as gifts, she held open her cloak as she said this, and others I have myself found and taken care of for many years. she held forth the scythe, the carefully sharpened blade of which glinted.

She set the butt of the scythe back to the ground in pace with her walking and then noticed a shift in the aura of the young man behind, she did not turn to look, but her inward eye could sense the lust in him. She was flattered, she was not a young pup anymore and had sworn her life to celibacy, but the intensity of the young boy was one that made her want to laugh, which she did inwardly causing her white tipped tail to wag beneath the cloak. Panda however returned his intensity with a little sway of the hips and Zera’im smiled.

Then came the next question, about her stones, a good one for a young shaman to ask. The stones I use are manly quartz, such as yours, though they produce many more forms of energy depending on what the spirits have divined them to. I also use gold, silver, and onyx. These stones hold a life force of their own and can help heal the body and mind. She could feel the energy of the stones pass through the bag and to her as she spoke of them, The majority of these stones were given to me by my mistress. However, the stones seem to find the person of craft, give it time, yours will come to you. she smiled gently at Panda as she spoke.

Panda mentioned also the scythe and Zera merely nodded in response because she could see in the distance their destination. Soon they reached the mouth of the cave and as the two young ones spoke of bats Zera’im quietly removed what remained from the back of her steed and set him loose. Korosk’s massive hooves thundered across the ground as he ran to a nearby dusty spot and immediately made to lie down and roll to his heart’s content. Zera’im chuckled and then turned back to her hosts. Bats are a blessing. They will keep the pest insects from our pelts when the sun finally leaves us. Do not worry Venom, they will not defecate on you as long as you return the favor. She gave him a toothy, very white grin.

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ooc: Sorry for the wait on this one, I've written this post about three times by now and some stupid shit keeps happening for it to be lost, then other stuff happens and I've been flipping the fuck out lately so yeah.

Panda listened to the woman through the entire time that she spoke, and she looked at the objects that were gestured to. She nodded her head respectively. Panda did have the pelts to make her own coat, her own blood or red dye if need be to do whatever she needed to do with it if she wanted to dye the furs or whatever she needed to do. She needed to sit down and design it on paper, another thing on her list of things she needed. Maybe she could draw on the ground or something. She was sure Venom would probably be able to help. Being a Florida born and raised wolf, she still did not realize that weather were a lot colder. She thought it out rather quickly in her head about what she needed to do still, but she still listened on to the woman, looking at her muzzle as she talked. This happened to be a habit of hers, she had always done this, only sometimes glancing at the eyes, sometimes staring if she was equal to one. She did not feel like this woman was above her anything, she just liked to read the lips of the luperci.

The woman explained to her next about what crystals she used. They all were pretty familiar to her by name, she could identify if she had one placed in front of her because of the many books she had read while down in Florida. She never had a chance to find any good stones in her travels, for often times she'd only find tiny, tiny stones that would easily be lost. That was back when she had holes in her pockets and no extra leather backs to help carry things. Panda still fingered her rose quartz in her right hand. In the presence of this woman, the stone drew very pale, almost white. Panda still was unsure how to interpret this action of the stone, but she noticed it right away when she glanced at it. She said nothing but looked at the other woman again. Yes, I do believe they will. she spoke, nodding her head lightly and she gave the woman a smile.

When Venom had asked about the bats, Zera had responded with a comment about how they would not defecate on them. Panda knew about Venom's seemingly offense to getting dirty in pretty much any way, so she laughed at his fear of being defecated on. It wasn't like she wasn't going to make soap anymore, so he would have more soap when she was ready to make it. Panda moved to her steed once again and took the things from the mare's back and then carried it towards the cave. Let's get settled in then she spoke, smiling at to two, while Venom responded by taking the things from the stallion's back. So, Zera'im, How far have you traveled to get here? she spoke, wondering where the woman had come from.

She walked towards the cave slowly, and she stayed within earshot of the woman, and looked around the area before the cave to see if they could find something to sit on, such as fallen trees or rocks so they could possibly make her a nice fire place and stuff before they left her, which would probably be as night came and was mature upon them.

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It’s alright, sorry if I rushed you. Take your time from now on / +266

As the two of them unloaded their horses Zera’im moved into the mouth of the cave to inspect it’s innards. It was dry, warm, and somewhat musty from the bat smell but Zera believed it to be a perfect place for rest and shelter. Panda was by her side, also inspecting, and Zera’im went to answer her question, I come to Nova Scotia from the Dakotas but I was born and raised in New York. she assumed Panda would be familiar with these places, a mistake she sometimes made with Luperci. She sometimes forgot that some of her kind had no knowledge of any of the lands once claimed and named by the humans. And what of you, sister? Have you always lived in Anathema?

Finding a flat and relatively clean slab of stone near the cave entrance Zera’im removed her cloak and laid it down as a kind of mat, she then slowly lowered herself down, using her scythe for balance. Her knees shook slightly for the arthritis that plagued her was getting worse now with the weather becoming more cool and damp. When she was settled she let out a sigh of relief and set the scythe down on the floor next to her. Now free of the cloak, her fur was able to breath and it felt marvelous. Reaching for her pack she opened up it worn flap and produced a long pipe, engraved with the Zodiacs, and a small cloth bag, which reeked of skunky marijuana goodness. She looked up at Panda, Mind if I smoke? The herb helps ease my stiffness.

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OOC: Sometimes I need the extra push so it's fine..

The woman spoke of where she was from. New York was a very familiar place for she, because she had lived there for a short amount of time as a child and when she was travelling up to Nova Scotia, Venom and her had gone through the state to look at Niagara falls. It was a beautiful place, the weather there was also favorable, though something did drive her and Venom here. They could have stayed in New York, or better yet, Chicago, but they didn't. They simply kept on moving (and their hearts still wandered to this day) until they made it to here, Anathema, where it felt....right? It was a weird aura that enticed the two, but the longer they lingered, the more they felt like it just wasn't...Right. The elder asked the same of she and her soulmate. We, both Venom and I, are from Florida. We have traveled through New York, and Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Maine in the States. We followed our hearts to here, and sometimes that even feels like it's slightly wrong. she spoke, shrugging her shoulders. It feels like we are somewhere where we are supposed to spend some time but it also feels like there can be somewhere else that calls to us more so. You get what i mean? she asked the woman her head tilting towards Zera'im in a weirdly cute way.

Panda placed the things down that she had in her hands and she took a seat. Venom took a seat close to her and when he did, she had quickly found her way to lay in his lap, and he let her do this and get comfortable. Panda's eyes went on her soulmate for a moment. Suddenly the skunky smell of marijuana touched Panda's sensitive nose, and even though it wasn't lit, she got excited about it. Her stub wagged and she looked over to Zera. The elder then asked Panda if she minded if she smoked. That it helped her pains. Panda smiled, as did Venom. It is fine, sister, for Venom and I use the same herb. We have a few growing outside the howling caverns in Anathema. she admitted to the woman, finding that giving her the information would be beneficial to them, in case she would have liked to share with them.

When did you learn you were a shaman, sister? she asked, for Panda happened to be one of those late sprouters because of her normal family traditions that she did not adopt. She adopted a different lifestyle than the christian based wolves in her home pack raised her in. She was different from them so she had left them, simple as that. If you can't tell already, I have much to learn. I've only recently been awakened. she admitted. She had been awakened briefly while she was Ohio, and again in North Florida, but she had never officially accepted the lifestyle until shortly after she had left Ohio and now here she was, a somewhat knowledgeable shaman.

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o.o / + 600

When Panda spoke of her and Venom’s origin it intrigued Zera and her ears perked. She had never been as far south as Florida but had always been intrigued by the shape and weather of the state. She had read about it many times, and one of the things that had intrigued her the most was what she had read about the large lizards that lived there, alligator they were called. She had always wanted to see a alligator, perhaps even use ones hide or skull for a ritual. It was too bad she would most likely never see that place.

When the black and white female spoke of her wandering heart Zera’im nodded sagely, Yes, I understand what you mean. You two are young and full of life energy, your hearts are driven to wander by the spirits that guide. Do not fight it, embrace it while you still can. I did, and I have lived a full life…

Zera’im did not dwell long on what she had just said, for sometimes the knowledge that her life was like the waning moon caused her sorrow. But tonight was not the night for sorrow, tonight was the time for reveling in the company of kindred spirits. She was glad to see the two faces in front of her light up when she produced the weed, and laughter bubbled up in her throat. She had plenty, for she would only smoke a small bit on her journey, I am glad to hear you grow it, for I never got the knack for it. I will be coming to you in the future to refill my bag. She smiled heartily and stuffed a good pinch of the dark green plant into the bowl of her pipe and lit it, giving it a moment to breath before taking a long inhale of it. She let the wonderful thick smoke leak from her muzzle to float up into the dark ceiling of the cave before handing the pipe over to Panda.

The sun was now setting and it was getting cooler. Panda asked of how she had become a shaman, but before she answered she had a request, Venom, would you be so kind as to start a fire? She asked this politely, sure that he would comply, if not for her sake than for Panda’s, she then turned once again to the monochromatic female, When I was born, the mark upon my brow and my eyes marked me as one with spiritual gifts, she lightly touched the star shaped blaze upon her forehead, I therefore was taught all the knowledge obtained by my family, mostly comprised of what they had learned from the books in the library in which we lived. I learned much about human medicine and techniques, and also of the Complete Religion which I became a follower of. She touched a paw to one of her golden clasps, drawing warmth from the metal, Eventually I left my family, who had turned wicked, and joined a nomadic pack. There, a shaman woman named Len took me on as a pupil and from her I learned The Ways. I became the medicine woman of that tribe, and after many years their numbers grew and then they separated into groups which I traversed amongst. But they no longer needed my service, having younger spiritual guides and healers, so I came here to Nova Scotia, for I had learned that there were great packs here, and I wished to see it with my own eyes… she trailed off, the herb beginning to soothe her.

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Word Count → 740 :: OOC: This will be my last post in this thread so we can have another one that is more recent.

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something I never should have thought.

The woman told them that it was normal to want to wander, that it was okay to let their hearts wander and to follow where they were meant to be. Once this place felt like it was where they should be, but it was simply the cult's trickery that had caused them to come here. Their hearts and minds as well as bodies would soon depart from this cult, and both Venom and Panda could feel it in their hearts, and mind. Panda nodded her head. She knew that it was okay to let her mind and body wander, sometimes she just wandered if it was normal. Of course it wasn't normal, for Panda was unique in many ways. Especially with her beliefs. Panda held a smile on her maw as her stubbed tail had wagged back and forth lightly. When the woman had sparked up the marijuana, she had spoken about how she was glad that Panda had been growing it outside of the caves. Panda wouldn't be able to live without her stalks of marijuana, for it was something for her to do everyday when she got bored. I'm sure we have enough to share she commented and nodded her head. Then the older woman had asked Venom to start a fire for them. He nodded his head. Of course. he spoke before he wiggled from under Panda and he had moved to go make a pile of sticks in the middle of where they had been sitting.

As Venom was doing this, Panda was listening to the woman, though her eyes were on Venom. You could tell by the way that she looked at him that she had feelings for him, because she looked dazed by him a lot of the times, and this was true, though she did know that she needed to listen to the woman, and she did. There was nothing that passed her by as far as what the woman had said. She was able to peel her eyes from Venom and she looked at the beautiful collie woman. I never had much of a mentor. I learned a lot of what I know from books, the other stuff from a woman that I associated myself with. I learned how to grow herbs from her, and some spells, but she was no shaman, like my energy suggests that I am, nor yours. She was powerful, but in other ways than you or I. Panda spoke about the woman she had met that had been somewhat of a hermit. I was raised differently than you, as was Venom. We both came from a place where they believe in Christianity, where 'witches' are burned and homosexuals are damned to hell. I found it hypocritical the way we were taught to be from that book, The bible. It never made much sense to me, so i never picked up the faith. I was forced into it once upon a time, but once I figured out that I could think and act for myself, then I strayed away. My studies didn't begin until after I was about a year old. I got my first stones awhile before I began to practice, but by the time I was awakened, I didn't have them anymore. It took a long time for me to meet Venom, and then for Venom to gift me this stone. she spoke, holding up the stone. Venom has been awakened for some time before I was, and he found my energy to be the same as a shaman's, like yours. He can physically see the energy and auras that surround us all. Quite the gift if I say so. I can only sense them, not physically see them. she spoke nodding her head as she spoke to the woman. Her eyes wandered to the male whom had started to start the fire now, him leaning over and blowing air on the smoking pile of sticks until it had gotten bigger and bigger. When the fire was stable, the man moved back over to the women, and he took his seat back behind the monochrome woman. Needless to say that I still have a lot to learn since I've only been awakened for about two years now, and most of this was just me finding things out myself rather than being taught things. she added before she huffed and laid back in Venom's lap once again.

OOC end: Panda and Venom stay with Zera until dusk falls and they talk about a bunch of things. Panda informs Zera that she will be visiting her frequently for advice and teachings that the woman would be able to help her with. Panda also discusses the part of how Anathema is slowly not becoming a place where she could happily live with Venom.

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image © Sie!


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