To dumb to know
OOC he's coming in around Borgata Mazatl around the slightly more wooded part./ +yo numbah!

Imhotep snarled as he moved through the land. He had absolutely no idea where he was or what day it was. The sun's warmth was weaker here and there were dozens of trees the like of which he had never seen. The russet tan male walked through the forest trying to find a way through it a way home to Egypt a land he knew well. Everything there was basic and he was nothing more then a slave the ring on his tail a symbol for that. He stopped looking around where was he he had to know.

In this section of land though it seemed like trees were becoming few and far between. Crossing the border he never noticed. In Egypt there were few borders marked by scents many of the luperci chose to live like ancient Egyptians for there ties to them dated millions of years. Imhotep yawned as he stopped. Big ears turning listening for anything around him.

Imhotep stood there lost and confused wishing that he was home and wondering why the traders had brought him here. Surly they could tell he was not built for this harsh terrain. Dusting off his "skirt" and stood there lost and bewildered. The last thing he should have done was run from the traders he knew nothing of the world and that's how it always was.

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