The trash of one men may be gold for others
Out of Character

ooc text. Everyone is welcome, Akira is on her optime form

In Character

The she black wolfess just arrived at the edges of the abandoned city. Ha-li-fax. She was told that this was the perfect place to find new stuff for her den and some weapons that would help her on her task of defending the pack borders. The place was full of large buildings, some with a really unstable look, but there were other ones that seemed like a better choice to start looking. She walked toward the open door of a near building. Walking in, the large she-wolf looked around searching for anything with an interesting look. There was some furniture left, but nothing that could be useful for her. Checking up among wood drawers and some boxes that someone left behind she only found some old trash and some useless small tools made of plastic.

Is there anything here that I can use? She spoke to herself. Turning at the left she saw the stairs that leaded to a second floor. She walked upstairs carefully, the structure was old and could be already damaged, the last thing that the wolfess would like to happen away from home was to get really wounded by a stupid accident. She finally reached the second floor and entered the first room at the left. There was an enormous bed with a metal support, and a wooden closet with broken doors. Taking the broken doors at one side she started to search into the bunch of dirty clothes and pieces of fabric. It seemed like a small animal nested in there, but there was a large quilt that was not really damaged or dirty, just a fast wash on the river and it was going to be pretty useful for the winter. Wrapping the quilt and collocating it under her arm she continued toward the entrance to give a look at the other rooms...

Akira lives, Akira talks, Akira thinks

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The feline had been curled in delight in a bundle of warm clothes that he had found in one of the tall, abandoned old buildings in his hometown of Halifax. Although he had lived there for almost a year and a half, he was always finding new and interesting things - the building, which he had never paid much attention to before, had caught his interest just today and had drawn him in, where he had found an assortment of curiousities, such as a broken down fan, a large dilapidated globe, a small closet in which to hide, and a drawer with several old and tattered clothes, which he had curled down in. The clothes were warmer than the chilly outside air, which was cold from the upcoming fall.

Element then heard some footsteps coming from the lower floor of the interesting building - footsteps that were too heavy to be another cat like him, and from the scent of it, it was also a canine. Element stretched, then leapt from his comfy perch to exit the room he had dwelt in and to lurk in the hallway, unseen.

He found his answer to who it was soon enough - entering the room that he had just left was a black wolf that smelt of many others - she must be part of a pack. The scent of the pack was not familiar to the feline, but he did not make it a priority to memorize all of the packs in the Souls area. Rather than walking up to her and speaking, as he normally may have done, a strange feeling overcame Element, and he remained in the shadows, pretending, for all intents and purposes, to simply be another cat that could not speak.

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OOC :: greetings, good that Akira like cats...IDk what could happen if she didn't...

The large wolfess was about to leave when she noticed a pair of eyes looking at her. The green shining eyes of the black cat exposed his position. In the shadows it was almost impossible to look at him due to the color of its fur. The purple-eyed female left the heavy quilt on the bed before walking toward the black cat. The black she-wolf approached him slowly without wanting to scare him off. She has always liked cats, they were such intelligent and enigmatic creatures.

Searching on her small bag she took out a piece of dry meat and offered it to the black creature. Here you go. Akira said, holding the meat with her finger tips getting it next to the creature's paw. She left it there and then stepped back prepared to continue with her researching. Still looking at the cat she took the quilt that she left over the bed and turned toward the door to leave the cat in peace, maybe it was the creature that was nesting on the bunch of clothes and she just disturbed him. Leaving the cat alone seemed as the best thing to do know, she still got a lot of researching to do.

Akira lives "Akira talks" Akira thinks

Table by Luna

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The cat heard a soft thumping sound as the girl left the quilts on the bed and then headed towards him. If an outsider had looked at him, all they would see would be the slender, sloping form of his body half-hidden in shadows, and his gleaming green eyes, almost glowing in the dim light. As it was, the wolfess's own eyes were a beautiful purple color; Element appreciated it immensely, and even more when she offered him a piece of dried meat.

He watched as she walked over to the bed, picked her quilt back up, and began to walk from the room. Element, not knowing why he was doing this but knowing that he was, ate the piece of meat in a single bite and followed the girl. He uttered a single sound - "Mew" - a thanks for the meat.

He did not know why he was pretending to be mute, although he wasn't; all his life he had had wolves express their surprise at him being able to talk. He had made friends, had great discussions - he supposed that now he wondered what it was like for cats who did not have this ability, cats who were simply cats, those who did not choose to converse with the tall creatures that walked around them, walked with them in their midst. He wondered how this female would response - and he wondered if he planned to speak to her at all, or simply observe.

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Out of Character

ooc text. Seriously, sorry for the failed post :'(

In Character

The large wolfess continued toward the first floor, she just lost the interest in that house that seemed like someone else took all the goodies before. She went out to the street and noticed the old canine tracks that she felt before. Turning at the right the warrior saw a large building that seemed as a good place to start looking again. She didn't noticed the cat following her until she reached the door of the building. So you do want to follow me? The she-wolf said looking down at the black creature. She nodded slightly at the cat before getting inside.

The floor was covered in small foot prints but anything out of normal, the walls were of a grey shadow of yellow or red, it was hard to say because the paint was completly damaged. It was probably a Hotel, Akira knew that they were places where humans used to live in big numbers so it wasa perfect place to find something interesting. Maybe she could also use that place as a temporal camp, she could stay the whole day wandering but a place to sleep was still on her pending list, here she could bring all the good stuff and sleep. Hmmm this looks like a good place... She spoke her thoughts not minding really if anyone thought that she was talking to herself, anyway her only company was a cat.

Akira lives, Akira talks, Akira thinks

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