Into the blood
Haku is half-shifted. All is fine if a member of Inferni wants to jump into the thread, but let Jassy and me throw a few in posts first in that case.

He did not know any longer. His body was restless and the coyotes had officially crossed the borders of what was acceptable. He was not angry, only excited and glad to have a reason to take it out as he wanted. Cer had sought sanctuary in another pack land. It was odd, that she had not shut herself into some house in the center, but that gal did whatever she wanted. Well, he too was free to do what he now wanted, as her watchful eyes could not gaze down at him an longer.

He stopped up by Inferni’s borders and silently watched the rotting skull of a wolf placed on a stick. A warning, how cute. He turned around towards the way he had came, making sure the new member was following. There was no point in getting cold feet now, because they were going right into the eye of the storm. He would understand if the newcomer could not make it. Perhaps this was some kind of a test if the female had what it took to be a part of a troubled pack in a waging war.

Do not be afraid, we wont go too deep into coyote territory, I just want us to check the outskirts of their lands.

OOC: Sorry for the wait darling! <3333 Since Haku's half-shifted, Kol will be the same. Will make things a bit simpler. ^^ I won't mention it in this post, but what time of day is it? XD


Kol wasn't entirely sure how this trek would play out. She still hadn't been given all of the details of the conflict with the coyote clan. In fact, she'd only just heard that it was happening not long before she'd crossed paths with her current comrade. The greeting with the male, who she learned was in fact the beta, had progressed into a scouting foray behind enemy lines. Kol had never been involved in a war before; the Stormbringer pack was both a most valuable ally to the neighboring groups, and were known far and wide for their unbreakable resolve and spirit. Most conflicts never escalated past a single skirmish before agreements and talks were reached. The idea of what was happening between her new pack and the Inferni clan was a bit overwhelming to the girl at first, but she followed along stealthily behind her leader, her black form moving like a shadow amongst the territory.

When Haku paused at the clan's border, Kol was a mere half second behind, her movements stopping silently just behind him as her gaze flitted to the quaint little signpost. Violet eyes met those of azure as the male turned, and the black shewolf nodded to him, those amethyst eyes full of determination. Her heart beat somewhat fast in her chest, and her muscles were tense and on edge, but she forced herself to sink into a realm of calm purpose as she waited for their next move. "I'll admit I'm a bit uneasy sir, but I'm with you. Is there something in particular we're looking for?"

Table by Tay

Early morning? <3 -500+-

Maybe he had acted too quickly, bringing with such a fresh member. Dahlia was growing, strong and healthy. Only Windseeker seemed to be a somewhat weak link, if the rumors about her eyes were true. However, he knew such handicaps only strengthened other senses. Besides, the ghostly pack member’s feathery pet could prove to be quite useful. He wanted Windseeker as a scout under his command, he wanted the services of her bird. Valuable information about territory, dens and more information in general about the Inferni pack was something he wanted. Needed. If the skull of the wolf made the ebony female shaky, she hid it relatively well. She spoke and revealed her feeling about this. He understood, and he appreciated the unmasked honesty in her words. He tried to place a calming smile upon his lips, trying to quietly soothe her.

Trouble, I suppose. His grin widened, but he resisted the harsh laugh that begged to be freed. The blue gaze was pointed to the rocky territory and he inhaled sharply, letting it seep out again in a low hiss, thinking. His body was restless, that was the issue. He should have had asked Wind to assist right away, but he had put it on hold for some unknown reason. This would also be a test for one of the freshest pack members. He had no use for wolves that ran with their tail between their legs merely because the grass was not green enough. The grass was yellow and dead, everywhere. These things he knew, because he was rotten inside. He crossed the invisible borders and turned into an intruder, padding past the head of his kind.

For some reason I believe they picked these lands in case hostility would rise. From first impressions, it would be foolish to invade these lands blindly if it ever went that far. It was unknown if he talked to Kol or simply himself. It was never good to know,. He half-heartedly decided his words had been most directed to the night kissed female by his side. What is your opinion, Kol? Every bit of opinions and thoughts could and would be of value. He grinned at himself. Not too far from this spot, he had created his masterpiece of art. He understood their anger, of course, but they should also understand him. The other packs did not want to understand. None did. However, Dahlia had stayed loyal to him, even though he was the one that had brought the war upon them, before he even had joined this pack. Everything happened for a reason.

He did not know how much the rest of the pack knew either, but there were many of them that had a thorn in their side when it came to coyotes. He himself did not care very much in truth. Both factions were canines, and most of Inferni consisted of haflings, where the beings had made a decision and stood up for it when it came to wolf x coyote faction. He admired that.

OOC: Sounds good to me! <333333


The morning was quiet, perfectly still. It was amazing how statuesque everything seemed to the girl's heightened senses, but there was barely even any birdsong in the grey light of false dawn. Kol's form echoed that stillness, her ebony body barely moving as she took in their surroundings. One ear flicked toward her companion as he answered her question, then posed his observations to her regarding the lay of the land. The female nodded softly to him, her voice soft so as not to break the quiet. "I agree. There isn't much cover to mask a mass invasion, and that worries me. Do we know if it's the same way around the entire border?" Her violet eyes met topaz blue with her inquiry, then flitted back to the quaint little warning sign and narrowed in disgust.

Personally, Kol had never had any conflict with coyotes. She'd encountered single ones in her days as a loner, but they'd never posed any kind of threat to the young wolf, and both species had basically kept their distance. It wasn't until arriving at Souls that she'd even heard of coyotes living together in a pack-like group, and it seemed to the Stormbringer that nearly every wolf she'd spoken with had had some sort of bad experience with the coyote clan, or at least with certain members of it. And from what Haku had told her, one of the clan had caused a member of Dahlia to lose her children in a blatant, unmasked act of pure aggression. That was what made the girl's hackles raise in anger, and she would do whatever she had to to ensure the protection of the pack that had taken her in. And that was why, with a brief overview of what exactly was going on, Kol hadn't hesitated to accompany her beta in a sensitive scouting mission. They needed more information on exactly what the pack was up against.

Table by Tay

So sorry for the wait ... Sad

He tilted his head at her question. He had been too lazy, far too lazy. Gabriel had chosen these lands for a good reason. It only underlined the way of living the coyotes devoted themselves into. Inferni wanted this path of life, and who were the rest of them to deny it? He nodded slowly at the black lady. It would not surprise me. Gabriel, the leader, knows very well what he is doing, it seems. It was a bit too primal for the Lilium's liking, but whatever sailed their boat, he was not one to judge other beings' way of life. His own road was corrupted enough.

Why were there no patrols about? All of a sudden he was tired of this, tired of the war and all the silly things that appeared because of it. Mew had lost her babies, there was nothing to do about it. He had taken a gruesome revenge and even more. Was it his right to play around with lives like this? No, it was not. He wished he could care more, but he did not. He was far from the caring kind of guy, unfortunately. I will ask Wind if her feathery companion can take a round from above to get a better view of the landscape. Would be ideal. This place was chosen for this exact purpose, in case of war. Yeah, yeah, how unfortunate.

He slowly padded deeper into the territory, eyes scanning the annoying scenery endlessly. It was way too easy to be ambushed if one did not know the lands, which he did not. I do not really know what we are looking for, to be honest, Kol. He let his eyes turn to the violet eyed wolfess. They were only two, and the possibility of loads of coyotes > the two of them was dangerously likely. He'd rather see the war happen on Dahlia lands than here, Simply because they would know the lands way better. Hopefully there wont be any major encounters here. He did not know how wrong he was.


Hokay, I'm not really sure what was supposed to be accomplished by me jumping into this thread (other than Anselm being "WTF" about Kol), but since we have the major fight thread happening right now and this is all screwy for time lines to begin with, I'm hoping you don't mind if we wrap it up kinda quickly? Maybe since Anselm howled they can be like "oshit" and assume lots more people might show up if they stick around too long?

They might not have known the lay of the lands, but he did. And their hesitation made them stick out like sore thumbs. From up high on his outpost on top of the hill, he spotted them. Half shifted, clearly wolves by their stature, and clearly not respecting boundaries. Hell no. After shifting quickly to his werewolf form, Anselm took off at once. Once he was maybe halfway there, he ducked quickly behind some boulders and kept himself low as he stalked closer.
Tilting his head back toward the sky, he let out a loud powerful howl that had essentially one meaning, and that meaning was very clear: INTRUDERS. RED ALERT. WOLVES. THREAT. ALL HANDS ON THE FUCKING DECK. This went on briefly. And then, as he got closer, he began to charge. His war cry continued, although more of his energy was now used to advance.
It didn't take long before he could get a good look at them. He didn't know who stood out more, and his brain went on overload for a fleeting instant. Two trains of thought went racing down parallel tracks, and they were pretty much as follows: Male-fits Gabriel's description of Haku. Holy shit, must destroy. And then--female... Kol! Wait, what the hell!? She joined them?? Was she with them before..? I missed it!?! And then in a remarkable quantum feat, the two trains merged into one: FUCK.
Fortunately or unfortunately, this changed nothing. It couldn't. He continued to barrel along at full speed, although in the back of his mind he hoped that they would just run. Did he really have to deal with this?

A howl sounded and Haku’s voice sounded before the last tone from the aggressive melody had died. Fall back. Now. He took care to wait slightly before he turned around with ease, a silent grin on his face. He had halfway started to wonder if there were any coyotes present at all. Very well, very well. This had been a rather pointless walk anyway, but they had showed the clan that they were not shivering with fear in the depths of the Dahlia pack land. At least one positive thing. Then his legs kicked off from the ground, and he was gone.


Ah shit, they'd been spotted. Kol growled as the howl split the sky, knowing it wouldn't be long before the entire fucking clan would be on them. She had no idea who the lone scout was, nor did she really care at this point. Haku's words reached her ears effortlessly, and she turned on her heels a mere hairsbreadth behind her leader. The pair sprinted for safety quickly, their forms eating up the earth beneath at a blinding pace. Kol spared a single glance back over her shoulder when she felt they'd gained enough ground, and her violet eyes widened when she realized just who had raised the alert. Anselm? What the fuck? So that was why the scent of Inferni carried a faint familiarity with it, because it reminded her of the tawny male. FUCK. Her heart twisted slightly at the thought of the hybrid being an enemy, but she steeled herself against it, unwilling to go against her pack and her promise. Shoulders carrying a now larger weight, the ebony shewolf disappeared into the scenery with her commander.

Table by Tay



They turned tail and began to flee, but he kept coming. It didn't take much to trigger his instinct to chase--it was in their blood. Unfortunately, they were only half shifted, so their gait was more natural than his, and they were gaining ground. Anselm quickly decided it didn't matter. He continued to run after them, breathing in with each bound forward and breathing out each time he landed again on the earth.
The speed with which they moved meant he found himself at the borders quickly, but he continued after them for a good distance beyond this point, just for effect. Before too long, they were out of sight, and his gait slowed to a quick trot. He inhaled their scents deeply and continued to track them awhile further, just to make sure they weren't intending to double back or something. Then again, they'd have to be foolish to do so.
He now returned to Inferni's borders and sat in silence, staring in the direction the trespassers had gone. One ear flicked in agitation, and he immediately decided it would be best if he kept himself from thinking about it too much. Instead, he tossed his head back and pointed his muzzle to the sky once more. Another powerful call ripped past his throat; the pitch changed frequently from low and menacing to high and crazed. He knew that where ever they'd gotten to, they'd still hear it. As he turned to retreat back to his post, he lifted a leg and sprinkled urine directly over their trail.
Fuck this shit.

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