Sense of Compassion

Creative title names fail me... ;u; Bah, and sorry it's so short! ;n;

Word Count → 336

He yawned, softly, as not to disturb his companion.

The golden coloured canine had been laying propped up on the bed, but soon shifted into a more upright position, sitting among the sheets. Sleep rarely came easily for him, due to the inability to turn off the workings of his brain. Unless he focused on sleep entirely, his mind drifted off, mostly through memories, a habit of the male's being to reflect his past events in order to learn from mistakes, or continue more accepted actions.

Now shaken from the painful remembrance of his beloved sister's drowning, Percival Teach was brought back to present day. It felt as though his heart was beating out of his chest.

The other's heavy breath beside him caused the jackal hybrid to display emotion, smiling faintly as he looked at his side.

His captain and only true comrade slept still, though Percival knew with Tobias' own troubled past, sleep may not bless him for too long either.

The hybrid sighed heavily, letting his tired grey eyes dart about the captain's quarters before returning back to the wolf laying in bed with him.

He draw a hand up, petting Tobias' pet gently, the smile on his face growing more defined as he did so. Despite his past and seemingly apathetic nature whilst amongst anybody and everybody else, Percival, try as he might, could never hide his feelings around the captain, even while the dark male slept. Tobias was the only person the jackal ever felt comfortable around, the only individual to whom he would ever dare tell his secrets and emotions. Something about him, right from the start, convinced the golden one that the wolf could be trusted, befriended, and dearly respected.

Another soft sigh escaped him as he began remembering again, though this time, his thoughts filled with past events involving the one beside him. His racing heart soon settled, and Percival found him self once again adjusting, moved close to Tobias, curled up against the pirate.

He smiled still.

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Word Count :: 263 :3 D'aww, Perciii~

Her visage was cool, and serene as it stared to him, promises echoing in his mind as he stared forth, unbridled anger roiling and bubbling forth from the pit of his stomach. Lips curled back, blackened tongue sliding against ivories. Those coal eyes burned with a passion, though not one of intimacy. It was a passionate rage, something primal driving him forth. Tendrils snagged at him, piercing through clothes and to flesh, devilish whips wrapping his ankles as he pushed towards dusty and cream woman. Her lips curled into a sneering smile, condescension in her gaze.

His claws reached for her, and just before they sank into that smug face of hers, the tendrils entangled him, pulling him back off of his feet as he writhed to break free. She stepped forward, her slender hand reaching forth to take a hold of that snarling muzzle, reeking of smoke and booze, practically suffocating any sign of feminine scent below that shroud.

Per'aps 'e would've made it if you actually stayed 'ome. Per'aps if you 'ad stayed, I wouldn't 'ave left, she spoke in a cool tone, grin sickly as she stepped back, dragged back into the darkness by the grasping whips.

Tobias inhaled sharply, eyes cracking open as he did so. He yawned quietly, groggily looking to the pale golden hybrid next to him. His anger, emotion was quelled near instantaneously once sights laid upon Percival, a smile of his own tugging those lips. A dark arm wrapped around the smaller male, holding his friend gently.

Couldn't sleep? he asked gently, hark falling back in a docile manner.

Photo courtesy of CarbonNYC

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D'aw these twoooo. ;u;

Word Count → 282

His smile persisted, watching the other as he woke.

Percival nodded. "Aye... But t'ain't anythin' t' worry o'er..."

"Was thinkin'... 'bout e'erythin'... Ye know." He sighed. The hybrid knew he didn't have to elaborate; his captain knew him more than well enough to understand what he meant.

Percival lay his large ears back, face growing serious, the smile short lived.

"An' ye...?" he asked, though he knew the answer, "...Raoli, Cap'n? Or..."

He shook his head, cutting his question short. He didn't want to think anymore. Percival wanted nothing more than to just remain in the here and now, present day alongside his dearest companion. He focused on keeping the memories out, looking at Tobias with his grey eyes and finding a smile once again.

The jackal hybrid focused on the male's face, the scars that marked his body throughout his dark fur, the beads and bones that he wore on his person, even the tears in his pointed wolf ears interested Percival... And what was even more amazing were the stories behind them, tales that he'd heard from time to time whilst being in the captain's company.

He found everything about Tobias Roche intriguing. He was an escape, for Percival grew uncomfortable with strangers, or in crowds, or speaking with anybody nearby to hear, and until he'd met Tobias, the only way to make the feelings of intimidation and worthlessness was so isolate himself. Now, just knowing the wolf was by his side, or even at least nearby, the pale golden male didn't have to shut himself out.

His ears perked, in more attempt to change the mood, the still staring at Tobias causing his usually hard grey eyes to soften.

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Word Count :: 266 Tobias is incapable of being affectionate, I think xDDD He's too... Tobias. Feelsawkward.

A frown gently tugged his lips when that she-devil's name graced the lips of the hybrid, and a hand gently grasped Percival's chin, almost in a scolding manner.

Don't ye say 'er name, Perc. T'would only t'ain't ye, he warned softly, as though Raoli's name itself was a curse. But aye. T'was her.

He sighed softly, not having removed his hand from Percival's maw, though his coal eyes softened, hand moving lightly. His thumb lightly traced that slim cheekbone delicately, almost with a sense of admiration for the detail in the jackal's features. The captain's touch lingered for a moment more before withdrawing with a slight sigh, that faint smile returning to his scarred maw.

The slim, golden figure was truly one of the very, very few Tobias could trust whole-heartedly. He was honest, gentle, understanding, and his voice was as golden as appearance. Despite how much the captain guarded his heart, deep within stirred a soft yearning.

A tune warbled faintly from the dark wolf's throat, his calloused hand giving Percival's hair a slight carress.

Me heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glitterin' gold,

There is nothin' can console me

But me jolly sailor bold.

His voice was no where near as fair as the hybrid's, though that did little to stop the pirate from attempting to regale the smaller male with gentle tunes. Of course, this usually left him feeling foolish and embarrassed, and he could feel the slight shame for such silly behavior creeping upon him. Tobias's chest gave a slight heave as he gave a near-silent scoff towards his own behavior, withdrawing himself a bit awkwardly from his comrade.

Photo courtesy of CarbonNYC

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SO CUTE! ;u;

Word Count → 367

Those same silver eyes opened wide at the captain's scolding actions, surprising by the event. Percival lay his ears back, pulling away some, but stopping when Tobias started speaking.

"Sorry, Cap'n... Ah knew t'was her... Ah can tell... When ye think o' her, ye look like ye could keelhaul th' next scalawag tha' crosses yer path..." Percival tried in his own way to tease. But, it was true... He knew that if it were the only other option, the haunting dream of the wolf's young boy, the waking would have been significantly different, as well as the look in his dark, coal gaze.

After the warning was given, and a remark made, the golden one was calmed, soothed by the caressing of his friend. He relaxed, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of those calloused fingers on his face. When the touch was gone, his ears were once again perked in curiosity, and his eyes reopened.

Never had he after his sister's death felt such admiration for a being, yet now, he could spend hours just laying in bed, watching Tobias sleep. His heart beat rushed when the captain came into sight, and the only times noted of Percival ever seeming to even have the ability to show emotion was in the dark male's company. He wasn't sure what caused this phenomenon, but he accepted it, nonetheless.

As soon as the soft melody escaped the captain, the hybrid couldn't help but smile, enjoying ever little second of the sound. If Percival kept himself amused with any activity other than over thinking, it was signing. Song and lyrics calmed his nerves, and came so naturally to the pale canine that he used it to his advantage, singing aloud often, and appreciating a listening to the tunes as well.

He could claim this as no different, but he'd be lying. That music was coming from the one he cared for most in the present time, making it that much sweeter.

A soft laugh was given as response, not for humiliation, but in order to show thanks. Tobias seemed so embarrassed by the actions Percival could only explain as adoring.

"T'was lovely, Cap'n..." the jackal mix nodded, "Truly."

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