Reinvention of a bygone era

This takes place on or around June 8th

Word Count :: +328

Temo had been spending most all of his time in his shop working on one project or another that struck his fancy at the time, however there was one project that he spent most of his time on. Day in and day out, he was spending all day in his shop working on this one project. Spending so much time in his shop and so little interaction with anyone else that was not Jace or their children that the knowledge that there was a pack out there had temporarily left his memory.

If anyone had entered his shop over the past couple of weeks, they would see a lot of pictures hanging on some of the walls, mainly in one corner where there was a new wood contraption taking shape. Many of the pictures were torn from books and magazines while others were hand drawn scrawls that Temo had sketched, some of parts and some of the project showing the parts and how they fit together. Some of the pages that were tacked to the walls had "Spring pole Lathe" printed on them with the pictures.

Now, if anyone entered, they would see a black furred Luperci with dust and shavings in his fur busy at the lathe with wood chips flying and dropping onto the ground as he practiced his technique and timing of making the cut as he pushed down on the pedal. The walls still had pictures hanging on them, but these were pictures of using lathes and the carving tools that had replaced the pictures and drawings of the lathe. On a counter within easy reach were a number of long carving tools that were similar to the one that was currently in Temo's hands and making the chips shaping the round piece of wood that was fastened into the lathe. Near by were several chairs and stools with missing or newly replaced rungs or legs that were turned on the lathe.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of dragonpreneur@flickr

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The day's riding lesson had not go exactly how he had planned but at least he had gotten Emmett to actually move and take basic directions rather than just stand there for two hours. Well that had been until some other member had decided to chance by and cause Emmett to go into a bucking frenzy, throwing off the pale arctic boy. Noe he had a pain in his rear to go with his pain in the ass horse. After locking Emmett back with Pandemic Honrin decided to go and see how the rest of his family was doing, a good idea until he realised that none of his siblings nor his mother were actually around. He didn't fancy trailing around looking for them either. As he wandered through Thornberry towards the house that had caught his interest he heard sounds coming from his [html]ghurana's[/html] workshop.

Changing directions fluidly the optime boy now walked in that direction instead. The rest of Thornberry was like a ghost town and he wondered idly what Temo could be up to. He peered inside the door and knocked several times, always the polite boy even with his own family,

[html]Ghurana?[/html] What are you doing? He knew his father didn't speak the language that his mother and siblings did but sometimes it was easy to forget when they were pretty much the only people he interacted with.

like. wow. | +302

The lathe produced a certain amount of noise while it was being used. creaks from the joints and twine as Temo rhythmically pushed down the pedal with his foot. The schhhhct as he gently pushed the cutting blade into the wood causing a shower of shavings to spring out from the piece and sift to the floor. The tip of his tongue slightly protruding from between his front teeth as his full concentration was being directed at the dual duty of operating the lathe and applying the carving tool at the appropriate time and with the correct amount of pressure.

Temo was so focused on the piece in the lathe that he was working on and in keeping his timing with the pedal and application of the carving tool that it was several moments before it registered in his brain that there was someone knocking at his shop door. He had not had many visitors to his shop since he first cleaned out the place and set it up for any woodworking projects that others would need to be done and bring them his way to get done.

With a bit of surprise showing on his face that he had a visitor, Temo set his carving tool on the bench and went to the door to see who had come calling to his shop. A smile spread across his muzzle when he discovered that the caller was his son. It was true that he did not know the artic language of his wife's beginnings, but with her teaching their children and their using some of the words mixed in the language that he and the others communicated, he had learned a few words here and there. Hi Son, come in, come in. I was practicing wood turning on the lathe that I built.

Temo Wolfe

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It was his father that was making the noises and not Hotaru simply borrowing his workshop. The white boy slid in around the door and shut it behind himself, he didn't want anybody to come investigating, he rarely got to spend time alone with Temo, just the two of them. Being the only males in a family full of girls sometimes it was good to get away from them and their girlyness even though the only really girly type one of them was Dalgina, the other two were warriors in training although Pandora was a reluctant student. He moved closer to his father's side and peered curiously at the work, he admired his father;s skills at wood crafting like he admired his mother's prowess in battle. He had never seen Temo worked up into the fury that he had Jace, in face he had never seen Temo angry period.

The bits and bobs and mechanisms that his father invented were amazing to the young boy and his wide eyed wonder was something rarely seen. Temo was as usual covered in sawdust and wood shavings and other pieces of his creations,

"What's a lathe? How does it work? Can you show me?"

| +305

Temo pondered his son for a moment as Honrin entered the shop and closed the door behind him and wondered what brought him to his shop. Everyone always seemed to head off in different directions to do their own things and rarely seemed to visit. But it was a short lived thought as he was happy to see his son. Especially now with just the two of them, maybe this can be a father and son time, which seems rare when because the rest of the family is usually together when he was home in the evenings.

Turning back to his work and studying it for a moment, his thoughts turned to explaining what he was doing. A lathe is a device to turn material so one can shape it all the way around using special knives. He thought back to the research he had done when he saw a human made lathe rusting in a corner of a warehouse and came up with the idea of getting one to work. The humans had them for carving on wood and even had ones that could carve metal.

It was a bit strange because he rarely had anyone interested in what he was doing, but it was nice too, especially when it was his son that was taking an interest. Well, when I push down with my foot on the pedal and release, it causes the wood to turn so I can carve on it with the various knives. He pumped the pedal a couple of times, then brought the knife to the wood, But you have to only carve when the material turns towards you, otherwise the knife will not cut. He kept his explanation general and somewhat simple and let Honrin decide and query if he wanted a more in depth explanation with more detail.

Temo Wolfe

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OOC here!

Temo's confusion was kind of understandable as he rarely saw his father or anybody for that matter. Honrin was a lone wolf... wolfdog in the middle of a wolf pack. His loner tendencies coincided well with his job however, working with the horses and other animals was soothing even if his own horse was a stubborn jackass. He moved closer, his curiosity inherited from his mother overwhelming him. He silently listened to his father's explanations of what it was. At the mention of the human's he screwed his face up, distaste brimming in his eyes,

'Humans were evil beings.' He said this as a statement of face for it was what he truly believed, 'They destroyed their whole world, this world' Such a harsh thing for one so young to say. Honrin frowned, momentarily rationalizing to himself that Temo couldn't be evil just because he used human stuff, he didn't use it like they had done, to bring death and darkness. His mother used a human made sword and she most definitely not evil. To bring life back into the conversation, he spoke again,

'Mother said that she's going on a journey out of pack today, she said to tell you that she won't be back until late.'

Honrin Wolfe-Denahlii
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| +218

His eyes studied his son for a few heart beats as Temo pondered the words that Honrin had said about what he believed about the humans. He had read many human books and other written material that he had available in his younger days and some later in life after he had arrived to the peninsula with Jace. He could understand what Honrin was talking about as he had seen the same things but had not judged the humans quite so harshly. I do not think them evil, more like they had lost their connection with nature, sure there were some evil individuals, but on a whole I think they forgot themselves and who they were in relation to the world around them.

He shrugged hs shoulders in a non committal way, he was not here to debate the humans nor was he here to try and change Honrin's views. If he wanted to think them evil, that was fine with Temo. Besides, he did agree with that the humans were destroying the world around them. Besides, there were more important things to worry about and Jace being gone and out of the Cercatori's protected borders again was the main one. Ok, thank you for letting me know, he replied with a slight frown as the worry began.

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OOC here!

Unlike any normal child probably would done he did not try to argue with his father about their differed opinions. His expression was stoic and unmoving but he was interested in what Temo had to say and how he looked at it. If nobody ever considered anybody else's opinion then they would all be lawless and savage beasts fighting with each other over scraps of information and facts.

His father worried, of course he worried, he did too but he felt to ease some of Temo's worry. 'She's gone to Casa to see Neela and her boyfriend. She said she'd bring something back for dinner too. He remembered the bobcat she had brought back when they had been traveling to Cercatori, that had been delicious. Suddenly Honrin remembered something that he did need help with back at the stables, his intense eyes turned back to Temo,

'I need you help too. One of the stable doors isn't hanging right and some of the nails in the shelves are coming loose.' His father had all the right equipment and knowledge and Honrin didn't fancy himself nursing a broken finger or thumb through his inexperience.

Honrin Wolfe-Denahlii
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| +215

What Honrin told Temo about where Jace had gone to for her errands did help lift Temo's spirits and make him feel better. At least she was not on a long trip through unprotected countryside all by herself. He knew she could take care of herself, but something could happen. It had happened in the past before, and could happen again, that was what he worried about.

It was Honrin's request about some stuff in the stable that needed repair that piqued Temo's interest. He looked over to his workbench as he thought about the problems Honrin mentioned. He recalled what he could about the stable and went over several mental images of what could be the problems and possible fixes for those problems. We will go take a look and see what we can do to fix that, he said as he went over and picked up his tool box. Temo rummaged around in it for a moment making sure the hammers and saws and a few other tools were in it. He selected several small jars of scavenged fasteners and added them to the contents of the toolbox. OK, I'm ready, if we need anything else, we can come back and get it. he said and motioned for Honrin to lead the way.

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He stood and waited patiently whilst his father got his things together in the toolbox that he used, his weight collected mainly onto one leg as he leaned against the doorway. His intense eyes were half shut as he watched his sire pondering at the strangeness of life that had led an all black male to produce an all white child whilst the rest of their brood was dark colored. He pushed himself upright from the door jam and exited the workshop, looking in consideration at the shop that sat next door to Temo's. Hmm.. perhaps he could make use of it one day.

He led the way across Thornberry towards the stables that sat nearby again dropping into thought, the horses were mainly let out to roam around as they pleased, they stayed relatively close to Thornberry for protection from other animals but it struck him as kind of unfair that the more dangerous horses like his own Emmett were kept inside all day apart from when Honrin took him out. Maybe he should speak to Skye abut building them a fenced in area so they could run about and use up energy on their own.

He pushed open the stable door and showed Temo how it dragged strangely along the ground, some of the bolts might need replacing. Then he went inside, amongst wildly differing greetings from the horses that remained inside of the stables. Emmett as the least friendly of them all, shying into the corner and showed the few shelves that were there, some were loose and others were completely decrepit, he also mentioned that completely new shelves wouldn't go amiss.

OOC text here

Word Count :: +260

The door into the stable was the first thing that had his attention as they entered to a cacophony of whinnies from the horses. Several possibilities went through his mind as to what the problem was, however, for the moment, he left it to see what else Honrin had to point out that needed fixing. The shelves looked simple enough, some needed new screws to reattach them to the wall, others needed new boards.

The shelves seem simple enough reattach them and replace those that need it. He pondered a moment, I have some boards that are those widths, cut to length and we are good to go. With one last glance over the shelves, Temo looked back at the door, That needs to be taken care of first. And with that statement, he walks back over to the door and having set the tool box near by on the floor, proceeded to give the door a closer inspection.

After looking the gate over, moving it back and fourth, and he looked at the hinges and decided what the problem was, which was the screws were loose in the wood and pulling out. A quick run through the holes with a brace and bit to drill them out, then some dowels that Temo had cut and dried from small branches, smeared with hide glue and tapped into the holes to fill them giving new wood for the screws to bite into. A small saw to cut the dowels flush, Temo had the hinges reattached and the door hanging properly.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of dragonpreneur@flickr

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