Though the rain hadn't seemed to let up at all, the day was very different from the others that he had experienced in these new lands. The clouds, though thick, allowed the light of the mid-day sun to shine through and cast it's sparse warmth across the grounds. Haephastus basked in the faint warmth, tired of the cold rain that seemed to always sting at his body. This was his first trek away from his new home in Phoenix Valley and, since the sun seemed to strive to be seen, he had decided that he would make the most of it. Much to his surprise, as he passed through the vast patch of trees, he was suddenly greeted with the black of broken asphalt and a view that he hadn't ever expected to see. A city, and it was just outside his own home.

Taken aback, milked over blue eyes roamed the buildings that loomed over him, mostly broken and beaten, but still with potential in his eyes. It was different than what he had been used to in Jerusalem, built with different things and formed in less fancy ways. Despite this, the foreign man was ecstatic. He moved quickly, happy to feel the rough road beneath his feet as he transitioned over from the grass, though careful of the debris that littered the area. Continuing down the road, Haephastus only stopped at the sight of a shop, the dirty window only giving a sneak peek of the things that might be contained inside. Curious, the foreign man moved toward the dark doorway to have a look inside.


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