Sunflower Sunsets, Ithen

Cow was in grass heaven. The colour was starting to disappoint though. Now, the large animal had started to notice that the taste no longer was so exquisite and the green was no longer so vibrant. It was okay though. Grass was grass and Cow really liked grass. Yes. And this place was full of it. The animal had stood on approximately the same area all day, happily munching away and getting bigger and fatter for the harder months that would come. Cow did not exactly know what was to come, but it had experienced the cold seasons before and its instincts drove it to prepare for winter. Pretty sun was warming his massive brown frame, and the flies were not that annoying today. Good days were good days and okay grass was good enough too. "Mooo" the large cattle said contently, meaning what it said.


OOC: Thank you for starting! :3 ::Word Count:: 500+

The white femme had once again taken to the long, winding roads, following the calls of the paths she had once treaded with haste, hurried on by the urgency behind her quest for her loved one. Now, feeling the weight of the lonely, slow passing of the days, she had paid due heed to the need to discover the wonders of the lands, wonders she had not stopped to gather with her eyes and appreciate to their rightful value. Her ears strained to pick up every sound, her eyes adjusting to the soft changes of light as the sun lazily hid behind the gathering clouds. She could smell the humid upcoming rain upon the air as her paws touched the cool grass that graced the clearing opening up before her. Although the sun had followed behind her for most of the journey, bathing her in its early September warmth, she knew the month was the beginning of an unpredictable season, sunny days alternating at odd times with cold rain. The prospect of such a thing happening by the end of the day did not unsettle the Crimson Dreamer in the slightest-- her generous coat, that had so far flawlessly protected her from the heaviest of snows, would find water a rewarding change after the torrid weather customary to summer. Her limbs, used to withstand storms unleashed upon the most barren lands, would not feel frail under the ripple of the raindrops on the earth, would find no obstacle in overcoming the muddy texture the roads would bestow upon the wary traveler.

As she neared the vast domain covered by sunflowers, she almost felt the magnetic pull of the plants, raising their yellow crowns in greeting of the rapidly diminishing light. Their yearning for the refulgent sun could almost be felt as the fair she-wolf carefully made her way through their neat ranks. However, she quickly registered the fact that she was not the only intruder in the realm of the children of the Sun. Vaguely outlined against the predominant green and yellow, the pale female could make out the silhouette of a creature she had not set eyes on before. Intrigued by its size and dull, tan colouring, as well as its strange shape, she slowly approached the large animal, not knowing what reaction to expect from it. She judged that by its bulk and stature, it would prove a slow hunter and a poor threat at that. As she closed in the distance between herself and the large creature, she realized that the animal was grazing peacefully, content with the plentiful grass that surrounded them. The sound that left its throat puzzled the alabaster femme, for she could not successfully place it in her mind as belonging to any known critter. She reclined to her haunches as carefully as possible, avoiding at all costs the option that she would startle it, all the while staring at it quizzically, waiting for it to acknowledge her presence, not being able to anticipate how it would react to her proximity.


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