I Sing Lullabies
Domino is an energetic pup, and seems to always find the bright side of the story. He will usually be found singing alone and maybe even sing with others. He isn’t shy when it comes to singing, his voice always finding a way into others hearts. He calls most adults either mama or papa, whether or not they want him to. He tends to catch most people attention and is always picturesque polite. He can be stubborn but will rarely ever back down; being a pup he will never show submission not really getting the point of it so he doesn’t do it. He doesn’t think things are important unless the affect him directly, and thinks superstitious things are stupid.

Dominos base coat is a cinnamon red and brown. His tail has dark and light rings of the same cinnamon colors until the end were it has a black cap. His left eye has a white circle around it, his right ear a charcoal black. He has black eyebrows and silver blue eyes. His left fore paw and his right back paw have white socks, his other two paws having black socks. He has three white circles on his left flank and a white stomach and chest. He is lean and energetic, a little tall for a pup but very skinny. He has the form of a runner and lacks the muscles of a fighter. He has a Blue Jay that is his companion and can often be seen resting on his nose or back. The blue Jays name is Tuck and he will often sing along with Domino, never straying to far form his charge.

Domino was born in a litter of one and was loved greatly by his two parents, and for awhile he had a perfect life. One morning when he awoke he found that his parents weren’t gone. He thought nothing of it and instead left the clearing he had been born in and set out on search for adventure. Soon his adventure faded away as hunger set in.

Tuck found him a few days after he had left the clearing, starving, and wet, curled up underneath an upturned tree root. The song bird had led the pup to shelter and had fed him. Tuck had never left Domino side since that night. The thought ot eat tuck has never crossed Domino's mind, instead thinking of Tuck like a best friend.
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