winter's child

Oh, the winds are burning – ooc.
Let zee lessons begin!! 8D

Leaving me without a name – ic.
The willowy girl was in her element. It was rare for a Stormbringer not to stick out like a sore thumb in the dead of winter, their typically dark shades of fur doing little to camouflage them against the background of pristine white snow. It was perhaps the one advantage to Bris' singular pelt among them: she could move like a ghost through the whitest of winters. Though there had been a small amount of left over snow on the ground when she was very young, this would be the girl's very first full winter, and so far it delighted her. She had been told of how the beauty of winter's bleakness could turn in an instant to harsh and deadly blizzards, starvation, and escalated conflict as packs fought to survive, but those prospects were far from her mind for the time being.

The snow had fallen for much of the previous day and all of the night, stopping just before false dawn. Now, the light of the midmorning sun reflected blindingly off the shining surface of the whitened earth, causing the young Stormbringer to squint her mismatched eyes as she wandered through the woods just beyond the outskirts of Dahlia de Mai. Bris had spent the night in Flander's Field, an unusual undertaking for the Dahlian who could usually be found sharing her older sister's treehouse. There was just something about the ancient human cemetery that fascinated the girl, however, and the fact that it had snowed throughout the night hadn't bothered her in the slightest. She highly doubted anyone would have realized her pressence even had they stood within a few feet of her. As long as she could keep still, the snow was her steadfast friend in its ability to shield the young Stormbringer from prying eyes.

Bris wasn't even certain what had drawn her south of the Dahlian border as the sun had risen. The leather pack that Kol had given her was strung over her shoulder, its soft weight resting comfortably against her left hip. Two books were packed safely within, along with a bit of rabbit meat Kol had dried to be used as a snack for either of them on their daily outings. Though Bris wandered the tiny neutral area of Overgrowth Sunrise in her heavier optime form, her large pawpads still prevented her from sinking too far into the hard-packed snow. It had been three months since her very first change, and the young girl found herself switching between her three forms fairly often, wanting to eventually have the sort of ease and control her brother and sister displayed in their own shifts. A soft tune was hummed upon her lips as she slowly made her way through the sunlit woods, taking pleasure in having nowhere to be for the time being. She knew that the war on the horizon would consume the lives of herself and her new pack, so for the moment she merely lost herself in the peace that a quiet winter's day could bring.

Table by me!


Sorry this isn't the best start to this. -fail- 672

Unfortunately, the young warrior was far from being in her own element. Although the benefits of winter did have their perks about them, overall the eldest daughter of the Kalona of AniWaya absolutely despised winter. Too cold for her, especially for her small and petite figure; she didn’t have the body mass nor enough body fat to even remain remotely lukewarm during these harsh times. All of the land had been robbed of its lush greenness, the sun doing little to provide even the warmest of rays on a clear and sunny day, and sometimes traveling through the thick downfall of snow was just a pain in the tail to do. Not even her own equine had enjoyed the winter months, for the lack of vegetation prevented him to graze freely and contently in otherwise plentiful fields of long grasses, and even traversing through the snow would prove to be a difficult task for the steed. Winter, why couldn’t you just be done with already?

It didn’t stop them; however, from getting where they needed to go. They would push through the worst of blizzards, the worst of snow storms, to get to where they were going. They had already been in the wilderness for several days now, away from the confines of the tribe lands. They had been eating, drinking, and making recreation out on the run. As if the young warrior had not traveled enough while she was absent from the tribe lands, there was a certain sense of her that told her to go forth and explore even more. Spending the night where the red she wolf and the horse could accommodate, the two had risen quiet early in the morning when the gently snow had ceased for the time being. The early bird gets the worm, as the proverb of her father and of a universal sense had silently mused in her mind. Some of the best prey had been wandering about in the early hours, gathering and hunting for food themselves. What was to be on the menu was generally randomized and unknown, but the sooner the pair had awaken to hunt for food, perhaps the better the prize would be.

Propped upon the back of Aidan, the steed paced them at a casual trot. Her bow and a spare arrow had been in her grasp, with the rest of her arrows in the quiver that was strapped to her back. Height was an essential advantage, and with the deadly accuracy she held with her bow, could strike something from a far, high distance before the prey even had the opportunity to react. They had disturbed some minute rodents, most of which were too quick and nimble to get a good shot at, but Asha’s keen sense of vision like her Spirit Guide had noted movement ahead of them, and gently her heel tapped the side of Aidan so that she could get a better look. Whatever it had been, it had been the color of white; disappearing amongst its background. It had been tall, and moving at a mild pace. It had camouflaged itself well enough to where Asha was having a difficult time discerning what the creature was, but assumed it might have been a very malnourished sort of grizzly that had a blending pelt? Well, there were certainly no polar bears that staked claim here yet, but there were creatures who consistently adapted to their backgrounds by means of evolution giving them the advantage.

It had been an Optime taking a solitary stroll. She had the instinct to raise her bow and arrow at the individual, but it seemed to be of no harm. Instead of readily approaching it like she usually did when she sought company, for a moment the young warrior sat in silence upon her steed to watch where the figure was going, what it was going to do. Aidan happened to give a soft neigh, to which his noise could probably be heard by the individual.


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