'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I don't believe in anything - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I don't believe in anything (/showthread.php?tid=17382)

- Janos Russo - 05-02-2011

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___________Last Updated May 03, 2011 @11.07AM
I. Active Threads

5. [x] 01.05.11: When you were young - Silas Agata

6. [x] 12.05.11: The ruins of the past - Eris Eternity

7. [x] 11.05.11: The promise of family.... - Tlantli Kimaris

8. [x] 12.05.11: horologium - Salvia Eternity

9. [x] 14.05.11: Panty Raiders - Bastion Hallow

10. [o] 03.06.11: Enclave, Entrap, Entertain - Bastion Hallow
II. Archived Threads

1. [o] 22.01.10: Here by the ocean - Rurik Russo
2. [x] 24.01.10: Feels like home - ??
3. [x] 29.01.10: The flipside of my pillow - Asha Amara
3. [x] 31.01.10: Your love will be - Sonja Russo

  1. OOC Note: Encounters Ris when torturing a NPC canine with 'Kidlet'. (Late April/Early May '10)

Postlog Key

x indicates I have replied.

o indicates I need to reply.

p indicates a paused thread.

d indicates a dead thread.

* indicates an important thread (e.g. meeting, joiner, etc).
Postlog courtesy of Sie.


- Janos Russo - 05-02-2011


OOC: fee free to change the font colors and such.

You are known to be a warm and affectionate person, and you tend to form long- lasting attachments. The reverse of this is that you can also be quite possessive once you have made a commitment. The beauty, luxury and comfort of your surroundings are important to you and you will devote much time and energy to making your home just right. Beware of your tendency toward self-indulgence, especially with respect to eating incorrectly. You also need outside stimuli to get you in gear When things come too easily for you, you can be lazy and indolent.

You are known to be a warm and affectionate person, and you tend to form long- lasting attachments. The reverse of this is that you can also be quite possessive once you have made a commitment. The beauty, luxury and comfort of your surroundings are important to you and you will devote much time and energy to making your home just right. Beware of your tendency toward self-indulgence, especially with respect to eating incorrectly. You also need outside stimuli to get you in gear When things come too easily for you, you can be lazy and indolent.

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Table by J

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Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur fermentum tempus mauris in rhoncus. Nullam orci orci, feugiat eu luctus nec, auctor et neque. "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas." Suspendisse hendrerit, diam sed tempor laoreet, dolor enim condimentum arcu, hendrerit feugiat elit tortor a leo. Maecenas accumsan consequat dolor, sit amet pharetra neque dictum accumsan. Phasellus vehicula hendrerit nibh, non vehicula dolor volutpat nec. Phasellus interdum massa ac lorem auctor posuere.

Nullam vel sem neque. Maecenas mollis interdum erat, sed molestie purus rhoncus tincidunt. Praesent tempor, sapien vel ullamcorper consequat, ligula nibh cursus lectus, non aliquet lorem enim in purus. Vivamus arcu dolor, sollicitudin pellentesque aliquet quis, bibendum molestie velit. Phasellus hendrerit magna eu nulla facilisis mollis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

<style> .free-a24 .ooc {font-style:italic;} .free-a24 .wc {text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;} .free-a24 p {padding:0px 20px 5px 20px; margin:0px; text-indent:35px;} .free-a24 b {color:#7a2e28; letter-spacing:-.2px;} .free-a24 {font-family: georgia, serif; font-size:12px; color:#000; letter-spacing:.4px; word-spacing:.3px; line-height:16px; text-align: justify; margin:0px auto; margin:5px auto; width:475px;} .free-a24 .inner{background-color:#cad4d6; background-image:url(http://anna.sleepyglow.net/images/gifts/free-a24.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:10px 0px 210px 0px; border:0px solid #fff; width:475px; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; margin:0 auto;} </style>
Table by Anna

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Word Count: 000 Duis imperdiet elementum ante, at cursus nulla eleifend sollicitudin.

In Character

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet elementum ante, at cursus nulla eleifend sollicitudin. In dapibus neque eu diam gravida semper. Sed eget magna id tellus rhoncus volutpat nec sollicitudin sem. “Sed porta aliquet diam vel pulvinar.” Proin viverra vestibulum tortor fermentum faucibus. Proin vel metus mauris, at bibendum mi. Vestibulum risus leo, convallis vel ornare at, imperdiet ut dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet elementum ante, at cursus nulla eleifend sollicitudin. In dapibus neque eu diam gravida semper. Sed eget magna id tellus rhoncus volutpat nec sollicitudin sem. “Sed porta aliquet diam vel pulvinar.” Proin viverra vestibulum tortor fermentum faucibus. Proin vel metus mauris, at bibendum mi. Vestibulum risus leo, convallis vel ornare at, imperdiet ut dui.

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</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Word Count: 000 Duis imperdiet elementum ante, at cursus nulla eleifend sollicitudin.

In Character

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet elementum ante, at cursus nulla eleifend sollicitudin. In dapibus neque eu diam gravida semper. Sed eget magna id tellus rhoncus volutpat nec sollicitudin sem. “Sed porta aliquet diam vel pulvinar.” Proin viverra vestibulum tortor fermentum faucibus. Proin vel metus mauris, at bibendum mi. Vestibulum risus leo, convallis vel ornare at, imperdiet ut dui.

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</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

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OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

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OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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.janos-t97-border {width:454px; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; margin:0 auto;}
</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

.janos-t98 .ooc {font-style:italic; }
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</style> [/html]
Table by Sie

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- Janos Russo - 05-02-2011

[Image: janosav.png] [Image: janosav.jpg]
By Sie <3

[Image: avajanos.png]
By Me :3

- Janos Russo - 05-12-2011

[html]<style type="text/css">
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Salsola GAME
___________Last Updated May 13, 2011 @04.32PM

[0] Reason: Note
[0] Reason: Note
[0] Reason: Note


[0] (x0)1000 (x0)700 (x0)500 (x0)300+ word post: THREAD TITLE
[0] (x0)1000 (x0)700 (x0)500 (x0)300+ word post: THREAD TITLE
[0] (x0)1000 (x0)700 (x0)500 (x0)300+ word post: THREAD TITLE
[0] (x0)1000 (x0)700 (x0)500 (x0)300+ word post: THREAD TITLE

None Yet

Current TOTAL

0 Points

Postlog courtesy of Sie.
