Rail Against the Heavens
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... ntable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sorry for the wait D: crazy weekend 300+

He could tell that his words had somehow put her deep in thought. He wondered what was going on behind those sorrowful blue eyes, but he didn't ask. Not long ago he might have, always curious and asking questions. But now he knew that there were some things that were best left unsaid. Thoughts and memories that were best left in the dark. Places where people didn't want others prying. If she wanted to talk about it, then she would, but he would not ask. This whole thing had been a strong lesson in privacy to the boy. Before he had barely understood the concept, but now he understood it well. Perhaps too well. After all, that was what he was clinging to now. Privacy in his self-imposed exile. "Thank you..." He couldn't stand the thought of his family knowing what had become of him.

Haven hadn't expected her to touch him, but as he felt her fingers in his snowy mane it was a comfort. It had been so long since he had felt such a gentle and reassuring touch. It made him miss his old life even more, if that were possible. The ache for it was so strong and yet he denied himself the thought of it vehemently. He wouldn't let himself return, the risk was too great. "Y-yes, I guess she is." It was strange, ever since that day he had barely given any thought to how her running away had hurt his feelings. The only thing he had been worried about were her feelings and if he had ruined their friendship. Sure, it had hurt to be rejected in that way, but that had only been at the back of his mind. "It's...not my feelings I was worried about, it's her's. I don't want to hurt her..." Siobhan had had enough pain in her life. He wanted to be the one to make it happy, not sad or scared.

"No...not yet at least. I...I think I could though." Haven had strong feelings for his coyote friend, but he knew they were not as strong as love. The youth knew that such an emotion took time to develop and grow. There was no doubt that with time he could love her, he just didn't know if she would give him the chance. Now he didn't even think he really deserved that chance.


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