What would you do if I sang out of tune?


Ade is so annoying and weak XD I love her!

His kind words and soft smile were almost too much to bear. Having grown use to the harsh realities of the world, Adelaida was not apt to taking kindness from anyone but Sankor and Alexey when she was willing to give it. Yet Ril’o seemed to genuinely be trying, and she didn’t deserve his efforts. Adelaida knew it to be true she didn’t deserve anyone’s kindness, she was a tainted wolf, and what more she was a hypocrite to boot. If anything, he deserved more than her apologies, which was all she had to offer him and he turned aside as if they were misplaced. Clearing her throat, her shaky, soft voice found it’s way out again. "No... you see... I really must apologize.. You don’t understand... I am a luperci..." So she had admitted it, out loud, to a pack mate. Only one two other beings knew her secret, Pickles, and Savina. It felt monumental and liberating to tell Ril’o this which she kept from most everyone.

Drawing closer she settled back on her haunches, her bright eyes still keeping watch on Ril’o. It was that he wasn’t trustworthy, it was only that Adelaida hadn’t a clue on how to trust anyone but her own family. Her eyes swept the area Ril’o had claimed as his personal haven and she had an overwhelming urge to weep. Knowing that it would only stress out the male, whom, despite her neuroticism, was still showing her kindness. "I-I can’t get away from my worries... My sister... she... she’s a luperci too now... she’s here and... and... " And I hate her... and I hate me the words wouldn’t form themselves, her lips refused to comply with her thoughts so she would only have to make due with a phrase she was well versed in. "and I’m sorry!" Adelaida could only hope that Ril’o could somehow read minds and know what she truly meant.


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