we were one cell in the sea in the beginning

  1. the circles darken round our eyes (21Jan2011) Gotham
  2. Tell me this will end (23Jan2011) Anu
  3. A little bit weaker (25Jan2011) Mati
  4. sunshine on my shoulders (28Jan2011)

    Haven and Princess' first litter is born.

  5. Burn Bright or Cold will Triumph (7Feb2011) Anu,Oak&Amata
  6. I can't be lost to you (9Feb2011) Mati
  7. A strangers presence (11Mar2010) [Joining] Lily
  8. in these small hours (20Apr2011) Mati&Keese
  9. pearl amongst oysters (24Apr2011) Ghita
  10. April showers bring May flowers (12May2011) Jazper

    Venturing down near the beach to gather plants, Cambria runs into Jazper. She ends up telling him about Keese and what he did to her and Mati and Jazper reassures her that he will not let the dangerous man near their home.

  11. She sang to me of love so fine (13May2011) Silvano

    Silvano comes to his sister and asks her about how she knew that she liked Mati differently than other people. A little surprised by her younger brother's question, Cambi still responds as best she can and tells him that he can talk to her about anything.

  12. in the sun (9Jun2011) Rook

    While visiting the goats at Tallermein's Cottage, a new member of the pack named Rook startles Cambria.

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