dream in black and white

Shandom Qi’Vaex

'Souls Wiki Profile

Detailed Profile
Current Gamma of New Dawn.
2011 :: to live and discover again
  1. Δ under starry skies (October 2011)

    Shandom meets Ayita, and they talk for a brief time before parting ways. It is his first encounter with another member of Cour des Miracles.

  2. Δ his reflection (October 2011)

    Shandom meets Terra while he muses outside of Cour des Miracles. They do not get along at first, but he quickly realizes she is harmless and innocent. The pair goes for a swim before heading back to their mutual pack.

  3. Δ Trap the World in Friendship (October 2011) (M)

    Shandom meets Saxif, and she shows him how to tie a knot and create a trap. They soon give in to mutual sexual desire, and Shandom has his first encounter in Optime form.

  4. Δ Deviation Ecstatic (October 2011)

    Shandom wanders in the Dampwoods, and meets Caprica. He finds her very beautiful, and he opens up to her more than any other wolf he has met since his arrival in ‘Souls. The pair makes arrangements to meet again.

  5. Δ losing my religion (November 2011)

    With his friend Terra, Shandom attempts to select a hotel room so as to further involve himself in Cour des Miracles. In this process, however, Shandom realizes he is not quite cut out for this humanized style of living. His discontent grows.

  6. Δ the crumbling difference between wrong and right (November 2011)

    Shandom encounters Princess Chance, and is not only shocked by her name but her style of dress.

  7. Δ plunder and blunder (November 2011)

    Shandom meets Skoll Haskel, the son of Ayita and Vigilante. He is slightly taken aback by the rambunctious pup, but soon agrees to go looking for Pirates and act as the young Prince’s body guard.

  8. Δ the queen of carthage (November 2011)

    Shandom sees Caprica again outside of Cour des Miracles, and the duo goes deer hunting and enjoy conversation.

  9. Δ all this madness (November 2011)

    Shandom stumbles across a deserted human church in Halifax, and is struck by the madness of the emerging Luperci culture. He attempts to explain this to Terra, but she does not understand his opinion. Eventually, he tells her he is leaving Cour des Miracles.

  10. Δ build me up, buttercup (November 2011) (M)

    Shandom sees Gemma outside the Aniwayan borders, and they have a deliciously risqué one night stand.

  11. Δ who I’m meant to be (December 2011)

    Shandom leaves Cour des Miracles to find a life more suited to him in the North.

  12. Δ Leave all your longing behind (December 2011)

    Shandom meets Titania as she marks the land for New Dawn. The pair speaks for a bit, and Shandom discovers her intention to start a new pack. He expresses a desire to join, despite her age, and is relieved to discover there are wolves that still act like wolves.

  13. Δ inaniloquent (December 2011)

    While walking in his Optime form, Shandom trips on a root and finds himself stuck. Luckily, Naniko, the Alphess of the nearby Anathema, finds him and cuts him free.

    2011 :: of changes
  14. Ω Dawn of a New Day (January 2012)

    Shandom attends the first packmeeting for his new pack, New Dawn. Here, he meets the rest of his pack mates and realizes how grateful he is to be in a place like his home.

  15. Ω just go with the season (January 2012)

    Shandom explores New Dawn, and meets Augustus.

  16. Ω beyond the trees, over the clouds (January 2012)

    Shandom meets another one of his new packmates, Morcedai de Fonte.

  17. Ω this life to share (January 2012)

    Shandom responds to Titania’s gathering call, but quickly regrets it. She asks the gathered wolves to tell their stories, and the male struggles with it before deciding honestly – or at least mostly honest – story is the best approach. He also listens to others' stories, and realizes he is not the only one with darkness.

  18. Ω of childhood and paper cranes (January 2012)

    After mentioning to him that she would like to hear more of his background - which Shandom assumes to mean an explanation of his crimes - he seeks out Titania to tell her the rest of his sordid tale.

Very Simple Character Archive by Sie!
.vsca-credit { width:95%; margin:0 auto; font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:10px; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.05px; text-align:right;}
/*Just some general notes: You can use this to keep track of your Word of the Day or game points, too. It counts them automatically for you, then. 8D An example of this can be found in Sie's postlog (http://www.soulsrpg.com/ipb/index ... st&p=95421). Please feel free to quote the post and lift that example, though I swear there's nothing different about that code than the code provided here! Also, remember, if you use the basic DIV shell in multiple posts, you only need to include the CSS once! That's it! And then you can control all of your archives with one CSS, if you please! If not, and you want multiple different layouts for each character and you plan to customise each one, *PLEASE* remember to change your class names from .char to your character's name or another unique identification, otherwise your CSSes will overlap and it will be bad.*/
.char-archive {width:95%; margin:0 auto; font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size:14px;}
/* Main DIV control. This controls your base text. If you want a background or border, you can add them here. You can combine this with my pure css table tutorial, sort of, and set a background image with padding to make it pretty, if you want. Big Grin*/
.char-archive li {padding:2px 0px; margin:0px; list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero; font-weight:bold;}
/*This controls the list items and gives them 2px padding on the top and bottom, 0px padding to the left and right, and a leading zero on the list numbers. It also makes the font weight of the numbers bold.*/
.char-archive li em {font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:-.1px; line-height:16px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; }
/*This is so that we can use a different text/font weight/color/etc for our numbers, and have our actual list item content text differ from the numbers. COOL RITE? */
.char-archive ol { list-style-position:inside; padding:0px; margin:0px; }
/* This sets the position of the numbers inside; you can also have them display outside, if you like, which will push all of the text over to the right and separate out the numbers to the left slightly. I wouldn't mess with the padding or margin unless you want to add spacing around your archive list.*/
.char-archive p {text-indent:25px; margin:0px; padding:0px; }
/*Gives your paragraphs a text indent. I generally only would wrap the thread description with a paragraph tag. If you want to give your thread description a little padding or margin or something, you can adjust those values.*/
.char-archive-warn {color:#AA0000; font-weight:bold;} /*Mature thread warning text color and weight. Please remember to mark your mature threads in their titles, the first post with the provided warnings, (http://www.soulsrpg.com/ipb/index ... t&p=107437), and in profiles, archives, and post logs. Anywhere you can give people a heads up about a mature thread is good.*/
.char-archive li a {text-transform:lowercase;}
/*Controls the links used in your list items. If you want all of them to display upper or lowercase, I would recommend setting it via CSS rather than manually typing it in capitalized or all lowercase, because it is far, far easier to go back and change things later if you use CSS to set such things. Smile I typed all of the thread titles in my character archives as properly capitalized and just set the links to display as lowercase. Remember, the fact that the a tag is declared after the li tag means that only links within your list items will change; any links outside of this (e.g., where the Wiki Profile / Detailed Profile links are) are not affected.*/
.char-post {font-size:15px; color:#8C0404;}
/*If you want to use the little symbols, this controls their color and size. I like for the symbols to stick out from the rest of the text, hence the color. They also don't look very good at smaller sizes, that is why they are set for 15px. Feel free to experiment, of course. :3*/
.char-archive .separator { font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size:17px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom:1px dotted #000000; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; padding-right:10%;}
/*This is the separator control. Font variables and so forth. A note for the separators, you have to place them WITHIN a list item tag (li) in order for them to function properly for every instance except the first one, which is placed outside of the first ordered list tag (ol). An example of this has been done for you--please remember this, otherwise the separators are liable to break something somehow and you will have to rescue your codez and it will not be fun. */
.char-header {font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:22px; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:1px; font-weight:bold; }
/*Controls the "Character Name" part's font and etc.*/
.char-title {width:50%; float:left;}
/* Makes the part with your character name and the notes beneath it float to the left. You can change this to right, just remember to set char-notes float to left. */
.char-notes {float:right; width:50%;}
/*Makes your character notes float to the right. You can change this to left, just remember to set char-post float to right too.*/
.char-list {clear:both; padding-top:10px;}
/*This makes your list clear the title and character notes divs. Don't touch this.;P You can change the padding so that there is a different amount between the thread list and your upper two divs; beyond that leave this part alone.*/


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